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"For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart.."


Selene had a restless sleep that night. Her memory about the previous night clouded her brain. All she heard was I love you being whispered from James Potter's lips. Her heart yearned for her to go back into her room and go back to bed to visit the boy she loves. Maybe they would work out this time around. Maybe he meant it. Maybe she was not just a fool in love.

She let her eyes flutter open and she took in the morning glow of the room. The room was tidier than Selene had ever seen it. All the beds were neatly made with blankets tucked and pillows fluffed. Selene paused. It was too tidy and far too empty.

She quickly stood up from where she laid on a pile of blankets on the floor. She did not recognize the books that would be on Alice's shelves, nor did she see the jewelry that would hang off of Mary's bedpost. Lily's bed was missing the Slytherin scarf that she kept tucked under her pillow ever since the fight.

She was in the wrong room.

Selene did not think that she had ever ran that fast before in her life. She sprinted out of the room, almost knocking off a magazine that was askew on the end table closest to the door. In one swift motion, she pushed it back onto the table, grabbed the handle, and opened the door.

She was halfway through sprinting back to her room out of habit when the words crept back into her brain.

"I love you," He whispered. His eyes fluttered in the moonlight and she felt her walls crumble.

Selene came to a sudden stop, her bare feet catching the carpet in a slight stumble. She landed on her feet and put her hand to her chest. She took a deep breath and tried to remind herself that it was a bad idea to imagine such good things with James Potter.

He was everything she wanted but could not have. Fluffy brown hair that she just wanted to wring her fingers through. The most curious hazel eyes that had so many layers of colours that an artist would struggle trying to paint it - they were so expressive and vibrant. The softest lips that made her feel like she was walking on air and the mixture of hormones caused from them were enough for her to crave more. The most dynamic voice that she could not get the sound of it out of her head. I love you.

"Selene?" Lily's voice broke Selene from her spell. "What are you doing waiting out in the hall?"

Selene turned to look at her friend and that was all it took for Lily to let out a gasp and run over to her. Lily grabbed Selene's hand and pulled her towards the correct dorm. The dorm Selene meant to go to after sneaking out on James Potter.

I love you.

Selene did not fully realize that she had been dragged into the dorm until she heard the loud tapping of Mary impatiently tapping her Mary Janes on the hardwood. Selene was almost out of it enough to point out the obvious pun about how wonderful it was that Mary was in Mary Janes, how supportive to another Mary it was. But, the joke had been told a thousand times and Mary had a stink eye that rivaled no other, She liked puns when it wasn't about her name.

Mary huffed, "I'll ask one more time... Why did I see James Potter leaving your room this morning?"

Selene felt like she was in a daze. It couldn't be real, could it? "He said he loved me."

At once, the three other girls shared looks, and then all turned their focus back to Selene. Then, came the harmony...

"He did?" Mary asked, not even trying to hide her bewilderment.

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