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Note: English is normal font now because I'm to lazy to put it in italics

I slowly lost energy, and my lungs burned. The last bit of air left my lungs, and I inhaled water, blacking out.

Is this how I'll die? Even though I still have to clear up the past? Even though I've finally fallen for... no!

I feel like crap.

My throat, eyes, and skin burn, my eyes feel stuck together, and altogether I feel sore and dry. There was sand in my mouth too. Gross.

I didn't even bother opening my eyes because I knew that would just hurt more.

I felt someone poking my face and heard a slap. The hand went away. Then, the people began to talk.

"Do you think she's dead?"

"Don't touch her!"

Another slap.

"Why? I'm just checking if she's dead." The first voice whined.

"Because she's obviously breathing, and is that a marker?"

"Yeah! I'm going to surprise her." The first voice laughed evilly.

"Seriously, how much more immature can you get?" I could almost hear the facepalm in his voice.

"Is that the way you talk to someone who lent you his boat and let you drive out to this island?" The first voice teased.

I was curious as to what the two stranger were. One had a rather childish, joking tone while the other had a sincere, warm voice.

I cracked open one eye, wincing as the sun burned it. Two heads came into my view. One was silver, and one was brown with bleached blonde tips.

"It's alive!" The joking boy threw his hands into the air and rocked backwards, rolling his back into the sand.

A boy with red tipped black hair looked up from his book he seemed to be writing-no, drawing-in. "You're loud."

"That's right, hush," the silver haired boy said, seeming genuinely concerned. He then turned to me. "Can you sit up?" He knelt down beside me.

I sat up and suddenly noticed something. My fingers came to my head and brushed my hair. The wig was miraculously still on my head, but my cellphone was gone. It wouldn't have worked anyways.

I opened my mouth to talk but started coughing. My throat was raw from the salt water, and the fact that I had nearly drowned was not helping.

I noticed the black haired boy was also looking over with a worried expression, but the moment I made eye contact, his expression became stony. The brunette looked like he didn't have a care in the world, and his eyes sparkled with amusement. The silver haired boy still stayed at my side.

I tried to talk once more and this time I managed to rasp out.


The silver haired boy sighed.

The brunette began to laugh. "Man, you got ignored, Raikou!" He kicked his legs in the air as he laughed.

The black haired boy closed his sketchbook and walked over to me. Hitting lightly me on the head with it, he said. "You should thank us."

The brunette finally stopped laughing. "Yup, Raikou pulled you out of the ocean." He pointed to the silver haired boy. The boy hesitantly smiled.

I turned towards him on my knees and bowed. "Thank you very much."

He slightly smiled, looking a bit happy, "You are my Hikari, after all."

I tilted my head to the side, "Hikari? You must be Japanese." Was that a Asian pickup line or something? Weird, I've never heard it before.

The silver haired boy half-smiled again. "Yes."

He stood up and held out his hand. I took it, and he pulled me up onto my feet.

"Raikou~ You're getting ahead of yourself," the brunette said, "Introductions first! I'm Kei, just call me Kei."

I raised my eyebrow. The last part made no sense.

The brunette continued on, "The guy with the cool hair and sharp tongue is Dragon, and the one with the silver hair which is also cool is Raikou."

I nodded. "I'm Kocondria, call me Koko. I really need to get back, my brother is probably really worried." I inwardly sighed at my name.

Raikou gave me a full smile this time. "Nice to meet you, Koko. You can ride back to the closest inhabited island with us."

I grinned right back. "First, can I borrow your cellphone?"

There was a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around. Dragon offered me his phone.

"Thanks," I said, as I dialed Haru's number. I plugged the ear closest to the phone. It rang three times, and then he picked up.

"Hello?" Haru said.

"Hi Haru, it's me."

"OH MY GOSH KOKO WHERE ARE YOU I WAS SO WORRIED WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL SOONER I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Harus voice turned hysterical. It didn't help that the host club was making a ruckus in the background.

I sighed and turned to Kei, who was by far the most talkative. "How long will it take to get back to the island?"

Kei thought for a second. "Maybe... Two hours?" I nodded.


"I'll be back in two and a half hours." I said shortly.


I ended the call and tossed the phone back to Dragon. He caught it easily, not even looking up from his sketchbook.

Kei bounced over to the boat. "Shall we go then?!"


Happy New Year!

I will use all entries that have already been entered in the contest at least once. They will appear. For sure. Definitely.

Anyways, Happy New Year, love you guys~



Genius? Idol? Girl?! (OHSHC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن