...Yup, the Idiots Followed Me

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"Well, by the looks of it," Hikaru said crossing his arms and leaning on Kaoru, who did the same.

"We're going to America, right?" Kaoru smiled.

"Exactly! We will keep Kohaku company in a foreign country!" Tamaki said.


********Saturday Morning**********

I groaned as Haru zoomed around the house. I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really don't want to do this. I put my head down on the table. I was in boy form now, and when we get on the plane to America, Haru'll do my makeup and stuff.

"Okay! Let's go!" Haru said cheerfully. I dragged myself to my feet and lugged my suitcases to the car. I put my earbuds in and tried to drown out the looming future with noise.

We reached the airport in about thirty minutes, a bit too quickly for my taste. I looked at the big building, and shivers ran up my spine.

Ever since the jobs were accepted, I've been getting negative energy signals whenever anything related to the jobs came up.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to go seriously wrong.


I stretched my stiff muscles and scratched the long wig that Haru put on me. I officially hate airplanes.

I walked out of the airplane area and went to pick up my bags.

Flinching as the bright sunlight burned my eyes, I pulled a cap out of my backpack and stuck it on my head. It matched my now girlish outfit.

I walked to the conveyer belt which suitcases were circling around on. I grabbed my black suitcase which passed in front of me and spotted my red one a little farther down.

I moved over closer so I could get it and bumped into someone.

"Ah...sorry." I said. (Italics are English.)

I blinked at him. He was blond with electric blue eyes. Behind him stood a girl that looked like his sister. She bounced next to him. "C'mon Len, let's gooo~"

"Oh. Okay. Sorry Rin." He said to the girl. He looked at me with a sheepish smile. "No, it was my fault. I wasn't looking." Then he walked away.

At that moment, my suitcase passed by me. I grabbed it and pulled it off the belt. I looked for Haru, and spotted his hair, which he dyed to black with blue tips for this trip. "Haru." I called out to him in a slightly monotone voice. "Haru, over here."

He turned around and started towards me. I crossed my arms. "So, when's the first job?"

"That'd be tomorrow. Today we get to set up at the hotel and look around a bit."

"I came here to work, not play."

"Awww~ Loosen up, Koko."

"Shut up. Don't call me that. It's ugly." Apparently, Koko is my pseudonym for my work in Hawaii. Don't look at me like that, I already said it was ugly. You'd think that between the director and Haru, they'd be able to come up with a better name. Apparently not.

We walked out of the airport and hailed a taxi. I helped load the luggage into the trunk and hopped in after Haru. I closed the door, but felt a tug at my scalp.

I looked over at the door. My hair was stuck in it. I sighed, opened the door, pulled the excess hair onto my lap, then closed the door. I miss my short hair.

Haru gave the driver the address of the hotel and we started moving in the direction of the sea. (It was visible from the airport.)

~Mini time skip: brought to you by Honey's Strawberry Cakes~

We arrived at the hotel quickly. It overlooked the beach and was very fancy. A man unloaded our luggage for us and took them to our rooms.

Haru signed in and got two key cards, each for a different room. He then proceeded to drape himself on me.

I pushed him off, and he fell down. Then I grabbed his foot and dragged him into an elevator.

The lady at the desk said we had rooms 503 and 504. I slid Haru's key into room 503's slot, and it opened. I threw Haru over onto his pile of luggage and closed the door behind me.

Sighing, I leaned my back on my room's door. Ahhh~ Traveling always takes away my energy. I was about to sit down on the floor when I heard a commotion down the hall and around the corner.

Wait... Is that Japanese I hear?

No way. No no no no no no way. They wouldn't dare, would they? Definitely not, right?

I crept down the hall and peeked around the corner. I am now aware of my impending doom.

The host club was there, even Haruhi! And of course, just my luck, they're on the same floor as us.

I spun around with the intention of going to my room and not coming out, and I came face-to-face with a pair of indigo eyes.

"Hello, my princess, what might you be looking at?" I was shocked to silence. Oh. I should probably pretend I can't speak Japanese.

Before I could retreat, Tamaki leaned in closer. "You look very familiar. Have we met before?" I bit back a biting retort. Then, I began to act.

I slapped Tamaki's cheek hard enough to leave a handprint for a few hours. Then I calmly scolded him in English. "I'm sorry, but I do not speak Japanese. Also, please don't get so close to me, you flirty, idiotic, frivolous playboy."

I watched Tamaki get stabbed by the multiple insults. Then I flipped my hair behind my shoulder and walked away confidently.

For once, I was lucky. The moment I turned my back and walked away, the rest of the host club came over.

"Wow Tama-chan, you have a handprint on your face!" I heard Honey say with a giggle.

"Sempai, were you flirting again?" I heard Haruhi ask.

"No, but there was this familiar looking prin-" I reached my room and went in, slamming the door and cutting of all outside noises.

I made a beeline for the bed and flopped down on it, face first, letting the softness envelop me.

I hope no one will recognize me.


Yeah, I did it. I stuck some vocaloids in. It was just so tempting that I had to do it.







Kohaku encounters the nosy host club in Hawaii. It seems like Tamaki was too busy with his full-time job of being an idiot to notice.

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