Host Club Plot

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"But there's a catch."

I suddenly got a bad feeling.

"You'll be taking the job as a girl."


"I think I heard you wrong." I laughed uneasily, "because I could have sworn you said I'd be working as a girl."

"I did."

I laughed a bit louder. "No way, right?"

"Haku, you know what they call the state you're in now?"




"Well, the director anticipated this response, but he thought it was too big a chance to let you turn it down. He already accepted and said if you try to get out of this, you're fired. He also picked out clothes for you with my suggestions. We leave next week, Saturday."


"Err, Kohaku?"

I slowly turned white.

***********the next day************

I dragged my feet to the back of the music room and sat down. I blinked a few times, then stared blankly ahead.

How can I get out of this job, but it's such a good offer, but I want to turn it down, but I don't want to turn it down.

Someone waved a hand in front of my face.

"Eh?" I blinked owlishly a few more times and looked at her. "Oh, hi Haruhi..."

"Hey, are you just-"

"-going to ignore us?" The twins complained.

"Oh. I didn't notice you guys." They made a weird face. Kaoru put his hand on my forehead. "Huh?"

"No fever!" He reported

"Host club huddle!" Hikaru yelled. The group ran to the back corner with the exception of Tamaki, who was crying about his authority being stolen by the twins. They chatted in a circle when Tamaki suggested something.

It must have been extremely stupid, because the hosts immediately rejected the idea. I heard them yell 'no way.' However, it seemed like the only plausible thing, because they kept coming back to it.

The huddle broke up, and Hikaru and Kaoru came up on either sides of my chair. I put lemon and sugar in my earl grey tea.

"Hey Haku~" Hikaru started. I stirred my earl grey.

"Is it possible-" Kaoru continued. I smiled at it and sipped some.

"That you're... in love?" they said together.

I spit out my earl grey.

"So we're right!" the twins said.

"No! I was right!" Tamaki yelled.

"Eh? I thought you were dating Haru-chan!" Honey said.

"What!" All the hosts yelled. Haruhi just sighed.

"No! You can't date my daughter!You're my son! You're siblings!" Tamaki screamed.

"Wrong! Both are wrong!" I coughed. "I guess I might as well tell you guys since you can't do anything about it."

"Aaaaannnnndddddd?" they chorused.

"Hmm. Never mind. If you want to know, ask Mommy. I'm sure Mommy already knows." I teased them.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

"Yes, Daddy?"

"Our son's keeping secrets from us~" Tamaki sobbed.

"If it's about his job, then he's accepted a few in America. The first one's a drama."

"America?!" the hosts gasped.

"As expected of Kyoya-sempai," I said, sipping the remainder of my tea.

"He leaves next week."

The hosts' jaws dropped.

"How long have you known?" Tamaki asked, grabbing my shoulders and shaking them, spilling more of my tea.

I smacked both his hands off my shoulders. "I was told yesterday at 11:27 AM, so I was just as surprised as you."

"So are you really just-" Hikaru fumed.

"Going to leave?" Kaoru asked.

I threw my hands up in the air. "Look, this is just as sudden for me as for you. If I don't do the job, I'm fired!"

They fell quiet for a while.

Tamaki suddenly giggled.

Uh oh. I've got a really bad feeling about that giggle.

Before I could dwell on it any longer, the doors opened, and we welcomed the torrent of girls.

*****after hosting****3rd POV******

Kohaku said goodbye to the hosts and went home. She had only the slightest suspicion of the evil brewing in the room she just left. However, she disregarded the feeling, brushing it off as paranoia.

"Host club meeting!" Tamaki said as soon as the door closed behind Kohaku. He slammed his hands down on a table for the dramatic effect, and the twins pulled out the chalkboard of plots. Tamaki pulled out a piece of chalk and scribbled on the board. He giggled.

'Operation: Do Something About Kohaku Going Overseas'

"This is our objective." he said, pointing to the extremely vague words.

"Hey Boss, we know you want to do something about it," Hikaru started.

"But we're not going to get anywhere if we don't even know what to do." Kaoru finished.

"Mommy." Tamaki snapped his fingers.

"Just this once... Daddy." Kyoya pushed up his glasses.

"What are we gonna do?" Honey asked. By now the twins had caught on.

"Well, by the looks of it," Hikaru said crossing his arms and leaning on Kaoru, who did the same.

"We're going to America, right?" Kaoru smiled.

"Exactly! We will keep Kohaku company in a foreign country!" Tamaki said.


Fufufu. Things sure are building up, right? Let's see how far the hosts make it in America. And how Kohaku does too. ^u^

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