Learning about the Party

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The bells rang waking me up from my nap and signaling the end of study hall. We're late, but it didn't really matter to me. I'm to tired to do anything today. Haruhi got up and started running. Guess it can't be helped. I got up and ran after her.

We made it to the host club room, and I opened the door for Haruhi since she was slightly out of breath.

I walked into the host club room with Haruhi and felt my face go slack at the sheer stupidity of the situation. Some birds chirped, and a couple butterflies fluttered by.

"What's this? Where are we?" Haruhi said.

"Tamaki's world of frivolousness," I replied with a sigh.

"Welcome!" the hosts greeted, dressed in tropical, skin-showing clothes.

Haruhi looked...Well, I can't really explain it. It was a very unique expression.

A toucan landed on her head and looked at me with a cocked head. Ah, animals love me.

"Aww, you're such a cute toucan," I cooed.

Toucan squawked.

"You guys finally made it. You're so late," the twins said.

"I could be wrong, but my calendar says it's still early spring." Haruhi pulled a calendar out from nowhere.

"Huddling under a kotatsu table fearing the cold is nonsense!" Tamaki exclaimed while dancing around. "And besides, the heating system we have is...the best." He struck a pose. He's sparkling. Maybe he's a vampire.

Haruhi and I let out synchronized sighs.

"Do you have a problem with the way we run our club, Kohaku? Haruhi? Be careful what you say, you two owe us four million yen each, remember?" Kyoya said. I found the real vampire~

I thought of when the vase broke. It shattered quite spectacularly. I wish I'd gotten it on video.

"Gentlemen, don't bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be chilly early spring out there in the real world, but here at the club, we want to surprise our chilly little kittens with a warm, tropical paradise. Oh yes, we've turned this place into nirvana, a balmy, tropical island of everlasting summer!" Tamaki said with an arm on Haruhi's shoulder.

"That's funny 'cause I feel a massive chill right now," Haruhi said.

"Kohaku, you need to wear-"

"Nope." I cut Tamaki off and sent him to his corner.

~The Host Club is now open~

Tamaki was flirting with a girl again, but don't worry, my ears are idiot-proof and block out the useless nonsense, so I didn't throw up. (Again)

"Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention to you ladies, next week, the Ouran Host Club is sponsoring a party."

"A party?" I asked sleepily, resting my chin on Tamaki's shoulder. I surveyed them with heavy lidded eyes. The girls blushed at my sudden arrival and my appearance.

"What kind of party is it going to be? Is it going to be formal?" some random girl asked the Hitachiins. Beats me. I walked away, leaving before I had to witness another gay scene.

I ended up over by the drink stand/bar with Haruhi and Kyoya. I could hear the girls squealing about the Hitachiins' 'brotherly love.'

"The guests seem to be even more worked up than they usually are," Haruhi observed.

Kyoya said something about how showing skin is a effective and whatnot. Then he turned to me.

"A few of your regulars are waiting. You're pretty popular. I guess having a uncaring but unexpected personality is okay."

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