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I walked over to the waiting tent she pointed to. There were nine people in it. One was the blond I ran into at the airport. I bet you can guess the other eight.

If you guessed the host club, you guessed correct.


I was about to walk away from the canopy when the director clapped her hands together. "Okay, the last person has arrived." She stepped aside to reveal a blue haired teen who was dressed in blue and white casual clothes. The only thing strange about him was that he was wearing a scarf. "This is Kaito Shion."

Who wears a scarf in this type of weather?

(A/N: I love Kaito's voice so much :D and I love him too. I just couldn't not stick him in here. (/∇\*)。o○♡)

Well, anyways, since I was between the new arrival and the host club, they noticed me. Yippe.

"It's Koko-chan!" Honey chirped and jumped across the tent, attaching himself to me. I tried to keep my eye from twitching.

I'm a nice girl. I'm a nice girl. I'm a nice girl. I'm a nice girl. I'm a nice girl. I'm a nice girl... Screw trying to brainwash myself.

"Honey, you might want to go back and finish your cake." I told Honey. He nodded with a smile and went back to his sweets.

"Ah! I forgot to say this. We only need three people from your group." The director informed Kyoya. "May I pick them out?" She chirped enthusiastically.

"Of course," Kyoya said with a sly smile. I wonder how much they're getting paid for this...

The director squealed and clapped her hands together like a little girl. "Okay, okay! Then I want you, you, and you!" she said, pointing to Hikaru, Kaoru, and a guy wearing black standing in the corner.

Wait, what?

Oh God, why have you abandoned me?

I looked over at Kyoya.

...I see, it's because the devil is here isn't it?

**********time skip***********

What. The. Heck.

The stylist smiled at me as she held up a choice of clothes. There was a black, frilly, strapless dress with an open back, a pink frilly one that made the other one look actually sensible, an ice blue dress with tattered edges and a ripped up back, and pants. Thank. You. There are pants.

"Why are they almost all dresses?" I asked to nobody in particular. I clicked my tongue and grabbed the blue one, walking into the changing room. "Ah well, at least I don't have to wear heels." I sighed.

Glancing in the mirror, I realized that no matter how I shifted my top, the end of the scar on my chest showed. Shoot.

I sighed and pulled the dress off, then got out a handkerchief and a bottle of water.

I dumped water on the handkerchief. Then I used it to wipe off the scar. Yup, I wiped it off. It was fake. I was just playing around with special effects, makeup.

Hehe, bet you never suspected that.

I tied my hair into a ponytail with a piece of fabric I found near the other clothes and walked out of the tent....

...and right into someone....

I looked up and stepped back slowly. What was he doing right outside my tent?


Last chance to vote for who Kohaku will fall for! Hehe. (just comment right here)

There will be more pics too. But only one per chapter at most.

Please don't kill me for not updating until now. I will release a special Halloween chappy though, so you can't kill me yet.

Oh, oh, question. Should I do it loosely based off the episode or make up my own or do it like straight off the episode?

On the other hand, I HAVE RECOVERED WITHOUT DYING... Only to be crushed by school. TT^TT

I'll do my best not to neglect wattpad. Sorry again.

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