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Kyoya smirked. "Deal." He said, just as the rest of host club walked up to us.

I put on a syrupy smile and sweetly said. "It's appreciated." Then I ran back to Haru and clutched the back of his jacket with a childish smile. "Haru, Haru, let's go there!" I pointed to my favorite place.

The haunted house. Ufufu.


"Shall we divide up into pairs?" I suggested, barely able to mask my (fake) excitement. "We can have random partners! Kyo, do you have anything on that laptop that can mix up our names?"

"Good idea... hmm let's see..." he murmured. He typed a bit on his laptop. "Here we go... randomly chosen pairs and one group of three. The first pair is Hikaru and Kaoru. The second is Honey-senpai, Haru, and Mori. The third, me and Tamaki, and the last is Haruhi and Koko."

Everyone went in the attraction with their partners in order, leaving me and Haruhi, who was dressed as a girl, the last ones in the front of the house.

The ghost in the front waved for us to come in, and we walked into a dark room filled with skeletons and coffins. Nothing popped out at us. Yet. It looks like the designers of this attraction wanted to set the mood first.

We continued on and found ourselves alone in a hallway. That's when Haruhi turned to face me. "Koko, eh? Is that the best they could come up with?"

"Yup." I replied shortly.

Haruhi sighed. "I can't see why you don't just tell them already. Frankly, it's troublesome."

"You promised not to tell," I said, an edge creeping into my voice.

"I know, it's just..." she have a exasperated sigh and ran a hand through her hair. "...it's just frustrating."

I cast my eyes to the side, not looking at anything in particular. "Then don't associate with me if it is annoying." I walked ahead of her, not looking back, while she stood there frozen, unsure of what to do.

(A/N. Oooh, breakup with Haruhi. ;3 )

I walked forwards and sighed, dragging my fingers through my hair. "I don't see why I even bothered. Friends are high maintenance." I hoarsely whispered to myself.

Random things popped out at me, but I ignored them until I spotted something on the floor in front of me. It was cream colored.

I bent to pick it up, turning it over in the process. Imagine my surprise at what it was.


(A/N: This is a perfect place to end the chapter, but I won't. ;D)

I held him in my left hand and looked around but continued walking. Umehito wouldn't be here, would he?

I turned the corner into a dead end and came face to face with a corpse that had blood dripping from its eyes. I flinched backwards, I mean, who wouldn't?

"What the fu-" I stopped mid word when I realized was about to say. I closed my mouth and spun on my heel to go the other way, but found myself blocked by a boy wearing a black hoodie that had cat ears on the hood. I walked by him, ignoring his presence, and walked down the hall.

"Wait!" I heard him say, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched and tugged the brim of my cap lower with my heart in my throat. "Umm, that's mine..." he awkwardly trailed off, pointing to Beelzenef.

I silently handed the puppet to him. "Thank you." He said with a little smile.

I grinned devilishly. Who knew it's amusing to fool people into thinking you're someone else. He didn't recognize me. "No problem." I started to walk away when Umehito stopped me. "What is it?"

"Ah... that's.... it's just... You resemble someone I know." He said, embarrassed, fidgeting.

"I get that a lot from people." I smirked, then left the darkness of the haunted house. I saw the host club and Haru waiting. I looked at Haruhi, but she cast her gaze to the side, not meeting my eyes.

Geez, after talking to Umehito, I forgot...

I felt lonely, my first female friend already drifting away. This is why I don't like making friends.

**********the next day************

I hummed a random tune while getting dressed.

Then I went to Haru's room. The curtains were drawn, and Haru was just a lump covered by blankets.

I crouched down beside where I believed his head was. Then, I yelled. "HARU! GET UP!!!"

No reaction.


A groan.

I sat down on the ground beside his bed. "Hey Haru, someone asked me out."

"I'LL KILL THEM!!!!" Haru screamed, bolting out of bed.

"And, that always works," I said, standing up smoothly and walking out of the room.

*********aaand to the taxi*********

"Haku, don't forget, the director is a hopeless romantic. The theme is a day out, so the shoot will be moving place to place. He wants it to center around a reverse harem, five and one girl. Meanwhile, I'll be at a different photo shoot, and one last thing... BEHAVE YOURSELF, YOU HEAR ME?"

"Huh?" I pulled one of my earbuds out. "Oh yeah, sure."

The taxi pulled to a stop. I got out, careful not to get my way to long hair stuck in the door. I delicately walked over to the set and introduced myself to the employees and the director.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Koko!" she said with a smile. "A few of your costars had their flights delayed, so we had to find substitutes. You may want to introduce yourself. Please be kind to them."

I walked over to the waiting tent she pointed to. There were nine people in it. One was the blond I ran into at the airport. I bet you can guess the other eight.

If you guessed the host club, you guessed correct.


Sorry for the late update. Don't kill me.

I'm thinking of making a Kaoru x Reader oneshot. If I did, would anyone read it?

Well, anyways, I gotta go.



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