MCU 2nd Oc for Friend's Story

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Basic Information

Real Name: 3L1T3 (Elite)

Age: 19

Current Alias: Apex

Aliases: Ultimate Predator, Lab Rat

Relatives: Bob Clayton (OC Adopted Father)

Affiliation: None

Base of Operation: Old Storage Unit with A Hidden Room



Identity: Maxwell Clayton

Citizenship: Australian 

Marital Status: Single 

Occupation: DJ

Education: Highschool Graduate


Gender: Male 

Height: 5'9

Weight: 150

Eyes: Red

Hair: Black



Place of Birth: Unknown Lab Somewhere in America

History: Elite didn't know much about life in the outside world all he knew was that he was made to be stronger than the normal human, the scientist who watched over him sore that he could be used for greater things than being a weapon. The scientist gave Elite lot of things to mess around with, over time he's grow in strength, speed and intelligence the team thought It be good to send him after a rouge member but the scientist sore this as a way to free the boy of his chains.

At 2 in the morning, the scientist disabled the alarms and released Elite from his cage. As they were escaping the scientist was shot down by the leader of the group, as he was dying he said a series of phrases that trigged Elite's Feral Mind so he wouldn't be controlled by the leaders words with the scientist saying his final words " Become Greater than Them and Live Happily " with that Elite slaughtered all of the groups involved including the boss.

After blowing up the base, Elite escaped the country to Australia where he could be free and away from those who try to use him. During sometime he heard some music from an old mans house, Elite continued to listen till the old man spotted him and asked him to come in after awhile the old man adopted him 2 weeks later to give the boy a true chance at life that he couldn't get.

Personality: Very Intelligent, Chaotic, Oblivious to Women coming on to him, Helpful, Kind but if angered will destroy your shit.


Powers and Abilities

Feral Mind: User can tap into a primal instinctive state of mind, which can release an unstoppable rage that allows them to perform in vastly increased capacity, taking and inflicting damage that they couldn't or wouldn't in their normal state. In some cases, the user's mind descends so far into the feral state that, mentally, they are little more than wild animals.

Enhanced Durability: The user's body tissue, skin, muscles, bones, etc. are extremely resilient, allowing them to withstand harmful forces on the body such as crushing weights, impacts, pressures, changes in temperature, etc. Also, users usually possess drastically enhanced levels of strength and stamina, due to how durable their body has become, allowing them to resist tearing muscles and/or breaking their bones.

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