Celestial Raiders OC

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General Information

Character Name: Belmont A. Williams

Epithet: Magic Man

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Role on the Ship: Musician


Physical Description

• Height: 6'10

• Build: Slim

• Eye Color: Black

• Hair Color and Style: Black and Blinding Bangs

• Other Distinguishing Features: None

• Animated Face Claim:


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• Traits: Generous, Wise when he needs to, Well-Mannered, Unpredictable, Confident.

• Strengths: Fencing Proficiency, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Precision, Mystical Bardsmanship

• Weaknesses: Can't handle large enemies for long, Body isn't built to taking a lot of damage,

• Hobbies/Interests: Treasure Hunting, Drinking, Napping

• Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good



• Place of Origin: A small town called Hopeless, currently traveling.

• Brief Life History: A long time ago, Belmont lived in very low-class town called Hopeless, which was known for the many residents dying every year but by some miracle two children were born that day. One was Belmont and the other was his sister, Belladonna, Belmont never met his sister due to the government taking her at a young age.

Over time, many of the residents started dying even faster until only two people remain, Belmont and the town caregiver, Granny. The town's people knew there time was coming so many of the adults decided to put together some stuff for Belmont to have for when he left the town and moved on. After Granny died and was buried, Belmont set off to the world, looking to make his mark and make the world remember his name.

• Reason for Becoming a Pirate: To become the world's greatest musician.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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