Spider-Man OC

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FULL NAME: Joseph Pascal


AGE: 17

ALIAS/ES: The Temporal Spider-Hopper, Bun Bun, Bugs, Rabbit

AFFILIATION: Sydney Police Department

RESIDENCE: Unground Base


SPECIES/RACE: Altered Human




Unknown Mother - (Dead or Not Found)

Unknown Father - (Dead or Not Found)

George Pascal - Adopted Father (Haven't talked to since)

Christine Pascal - Adopted Mother (Has kept contact with her a bit)

Dexter Pascal - Adopted Brother (Dead)

Miguel O'Hara - Mentor


LOCATION: Sydney, New South Wales, Earth-29599




Joseph Pascal's life can be best described as luckily unlucky. Having grown up without his parents, Joseph had it rough until he was adopted by the Pascals, The Father - George Pascal, The Mother -Christine Pascal and their biological son - Dexter Pascal.

Throughout his childhood Joseph was taken care of by his adopted older brother when the parents weren't around which wasn't a problem besides them favouring Dexter over Joseph, in short things were going pretty well for Joseph... Well until tragedy struck. One day, Joseph was playing and wandering the streets looking for a store to get some snacks whilst Dexter was supervising him.

During the walk back with the food, Joseph was walking across the road when the crossing lights malfunctioned causing all the lights to turn green. Upon seeing this, Dexter, ran as fast he could to grab Joseph out of the way of the fast moving vehicles. 

He succeeded at getting his adopted little brother out of their but at the cost of his own life leaving a young Joseph scarred for life. After someone call the paramedics, Dexter along with Joseph, was taken to the hospital, and they tried all they could to save him. But the wounds were too severe and older brother died from his injuries moments later not before saying to his younger brother "Don't let my death ruin your life... Live on and enjoy life".

After sometime the death of Dexter caused a wage in which George started to resent Joseph, and even at one point he uttered in earshot "god took the wrong son.", sadden by his adopted fathers resent at him, Joseph, decided to pack up his things in the middle of the night and leave. 

After managing to book a flight to Sydney, Joseph managed to find an abandoned storage place which he bought and used to hide his real home which was below. Elsewhere, during his building process of his base, an Origination called 'Neo Hydra' was experimenting on a new breed of spiders that were meant to give rise to a new type of super solider formula.

At some point during testing stages the spider who would give Joseph his powers escaped via a vent that was opened by the janitor, who was executed later the next day, crawled very far into the area Joseph was at. When Joseph was setting up the electrical stuff, the spider crawled from an open window right near him and bitten him.

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