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Name: Jaune Arc

Servant Class: Saber/Shielder

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Crocea Mors II

Bouclier d'Arc

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Bouclier d'Arc

Bouclier d'Arc

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Strength: D

Endurance: C

Agility: D

Mana: B

Luck: A



Magic Resistance: A+

Cancel spells of A-Rank or below, no matter what High-Thaumaturgy it is.

Self-Field Defence: B-

A power manifested to protect allies and ally territory. The higher the rank is, the larger the defensive area increases

Charisma: C

A composite Skill consisting of a person's charm as well as the natural talent to command or unify an army or country. Increases the ability of allies during group battles.


Mind's Eye (True): B+

Capable of calm analysis of the abilities of the opponent as well as the battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament

Planning: B

Tactical thinking meant for assassinating a target.

Aura of Healing: B+

A skill that gives the user the ability to exorcise evil spirits and heal others by using ones aura.



Crocea Mors II

Ranking: B++

Classification: Anti-Unit

Range: 1 - 2

Maximum Number of Targets: 1 Person

His sword being improved by Fate's version of Crocea Mors with having more attack power. Jaune attacks with a barrage of slashes before ending with a overhead strike which destroys the a bit of the area.


"My team always has my back, but now is the time I fight for myself."

"I came! I saw! I promise on my name that the next thing I do is win!"

"Crocea Mors~ II!"


Bouclier d'Arc

Ranking: A

Classification: Anti-Grimm

Range: 1 - 10

Maximum Number of Targets: ???

By converting his A+ rank Magic Resistance skill into an equally powerful defence that blocks all physical attacks. Creates multiple layers that has the defensive power of a fortress wall with It's strength is proportionate to the will power of Jaune.


"The name of my shield unveiling, I shall rise to protect my friends."

"The shield that dissolves all hatred and repeal the bastards of grimm, our hope, sits here!"

"Appear, Bouclier d'Arc!"


La Arkos

Ranking: A

Classification: Anti-Unit

Range: 1 - 12

Maximum Number of Targets: 8 People

Acting as a channel, converts one's own aura into energy for another, giving them a boost or healing wounds. As a Saber, can convert others' auras as well.


"Here's the work of the remnants future greastest!"

"My Aura, defend our people!"

"La Arkos!"

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