Episode 6: Nice isn't always good.

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The road  didn't seem to end, they sat in the car, waiting patiently to arrive, as the awkward silence took over. The newbie was sitting at the backseat, silently waiting for either Jackson or Makayla to say something and break that silence..

- " An army?! "

- " Yes, an army.. didn't you hear me say it?! " She anxiously replied.

- " Who told you that? "

- " People who want to kill her! "

- " We can't kill her yet, you know that! "

- " Just give me your phone! " She grabbed his phone, and started dialing a random number.

- " What the hell are you doing?! "

- " Warning them! If her people are in town, they sure as hell want her free.. They need to keep watch! "

- " Damn it! There isn't aren't signal!! " Makayla's tone was so nervous that her voice was shaking.

- " Hey there, take it easy.. We're almost there! " He calmed her " oh and.. haven't I introduced you to our anchor yet?! " He smiled.

- " Liz, Meet crazy pants.. Crazy pants meet Liz! " he joked introducing the girls to one another.

- " Ha ha Jackson! " She sarcastically replied to his joke " I'm Makayla "

- " Lizzy, Nice to meet you! "

The new girl seemed nice,  and polite. Although how did Jackson convince her to tag along? and why did she agree?  All these doubtful questions were swirling inside her head.. but she was too taken to think about the new girl, at that moment, all she was thinking about was the Lunar Freaks and the ambush they're preparing to free their leader..

- " So, Lizzy what's your story.. " Makayla needed to find a way to kill time.

- " Uh,  I'm a psychic. "

- " No, I mean like you're life story. "

- " Oh, well I'm from New York, and I moved here not long ago. "

- " You moved?! " Makayla paused surprised " Aren't you like 16?! "

- " Uh, yeah I moved here, with my parents.. "

- " oh, nice! " Makayla was still trying to catch a signal and try calling Karen back at the mansion.

- " So.. Jackson told me that your friend needed my help.. "

- " yeah, about that, it's kinda comp- "

- " it's okay, I know how to get  you inside their mind! " She smiled.

- " Wait I thought you didn't kno- "

- " I read your thoughts.. Sorry about that! "

- " No, it's okay, you saved me alot of time explaining! "

Suddenly the car stopped : they finally arrived at the mansion. Makayla quickly rushed outside the car, calling out for Karen..

- " Karen! KAREN where are you?! Karen! " She bashed the door running inside.

- " Shhhhhh! " Karen shut her up from upstairs " Nicki is helping Stacey meditate! "

- " What?! " she remembered the important news she needed tot share with her " Anyway, look, we need to take shifts in guarding this place! "

- " What are you talking about?! "

- " look, remember the paper saying 'She's not alone' ?! "

- " how can I forget it?! "

- " well I ran into some Freaks searching for her, they told me she has a whole army of Lunar Freaks searching for her! "

- " Em, calm down! " She said in a low tone " You have the medicine?! "

- " didn't you hear what I just said?! " Makayla was on panick mode.

- " I did, but what's important at the moment is getting rid of Eva, once and for all.. so, did you bring the medicine and the psychic ?! "

- " Hi, I'm Lizzy! " She appeared out of now where.

- " Hey.. " Karen was confused.

- " Karen, Liz is gonna help us free Stacey! "

- " Oh, welcome Lizzy, and thank you trul- "

- " you don't have to Mrs Daveen, We Freaks stand by each other! "

Karen then guided Lizzy to the room in which Stacey was, so she went there. As for Makayla, Jesse, Jackson and Leon, they were all standing guards, dispersed in the different areas of the mansion,  watching for any kind of unwanted visitors. Karen on the other hand was sitting next to Stacey and helping her stay calm and concentrated, And Surprisingly Lizzy was the one guiding Nicki what to do after getting inside Stacey's mind..

- " ... all clear?! " She said after a long explanation.

- " how do you know all of this?! " Nicki was surprised ; How can a 16 year old know about all of that?!

- " Uh, I read alot of books! "

- ".. " Nicki didn't say anything afterwards. Lizzy asked Karen to leave, saying that only the mind connectors and connected should be present inside the room.

Nicki lied on the bed next to Stacey's bed, and closed her eyes after taking the beta blockers to slow down her heart rate. She looked one last time at Stacey before falling asleep..

Lizzy then, grabbed her backpack, and took out a small hunting knife whispering some uncomprehensive words for a long period of time alone finishing by saying..

- " .. it's time for us to go our separate ways Eva!"

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