Chapter 13

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I wiped tears away from my eyes as I looked in the mirror and noticed how puffy they were.

Is this seriously happening, what happened to Dallas? He's meant to be her boyfriend, not Ricky!

Should I ring Ricky or Abi?

THUD! The door slammed. Dad and Harriet were home. I slowly walked out of my room and downstairs. Some how dad was right but he wasn't at the same time. I kinda sprinted towards dad and apologised. "I'm sorry dad. I was being selfish and lashed out at you when you plus Harriet needed support."

Dad hugged me tight and stuttered. "Have you had any sleep Vanessa, have you been crying as well?" I looked up at him and gave him a reassuring smile to shut him up.

Harriet was standing there just day dreaming and probably thinking about everything. I know Harriet and I aren't close but she needs support from and girl older than her daughter. I slowly moved my hand towards her arm and just moved it up and down. "Its gonna be okay, eventually..." She looked at me confused but forgiving in some way. She walked towards the downstairs toilet and locked herself in there.

I walked up stairs slowly since crying took most of my energy and got into the shower...

... I came out and got into black skinny jeans with a black loose turtle neck cropped top. I straightened my hair then slightly back combed it for more volume. I did my usual make up then grabbed my bag and put on my heeled Chelsea boots on. I quietly tiptoed into violets room and woke her up.

I walked down the stairs in confidence and mildly shouted that I was going out. No way was I facing school on Monday morning feeling like crap. Dad didn't give a shit about where I was going. To be fair I'm just going to the corner shop.

I walked sharply down my road making my way to the corner shop. I brought my fake id so I could buy some cigarettes and chewing gum...

... I walked out the shop with my small purchase and since school started I thought I would go find Ricky and talk to him. I decided to go during the schools lunch hour to speak to Abi. I made my way to Ricky's aunt and uncles place.

I knocked on the door not as confidently as I felt before. Don't you just love confrontation!

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