Chapter 4

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It was him. It was Ricky. My stomach was doing flips and my head started to spin. What was he doing here? I walked up to him and stood at the pool side smiling at him, still holding Violets hand. He looked up and gave me the biggest grin. He was with two little kids. A boy just a tad older than Violet and a little girl who looked about three who was in an inflatable boat thing, it's hard to describe. Ricky splashed water at my legs and started laughing with that adorable smile of his. I told Violet to jump into the pool. Even though she was just 11, she could swim with no help! What do you expect, she's a national synchronised swimmer!

Sue jumped into the pool and started to practise her routine. Proudly, I looked at her as if she was my daughter. What? I am better then Harriet. I sat on the pool side and let my feet hang in the water. Swaying and swishing around. I looked at Ricky in them dreamy eyes and just sat there, staring. He laughed and introduced me to the children he was with. "Kids this is Vanessa. She's a mate of mine. These are my cousins, Bruno and Rayne (pronounced like rain). Bruno has just turned 12 and he is a professional diver. Rayne is four and is turning five in the summer." I politely waved and said "Aww aren't you two cute! Very nice to meet you both!" Rayne just laughed and gave me a cheeky grin, you could tell she was very shy! However, Bruno swam closer and said "nice to meet you, do you know who that girl is over there?" I giggled to myself and replied "Yeah, she's my ste... SISTER!" What? I didn't want to say she was my step sister. It's not fair, she's like a real sister to me. "Her name is Violet, she's practising her routine for a young Olympian competition, she's a synchronised swimmer. Why don't you go say hi?" He had a smile from ear to ear and swam faster and faster till he got to her.

Ricky and I looked over to them and whispered "I think Bruno likes her!" They were both so sweet together but it was funny in a cute way. "So what you doing here then?" I asked Ricky. "Oh I always take my cousins out every other weekend. There mum and dad can't always cope. They have problems of their own. I take the kids of their hands, free off charge!" He looked down at the bottom of the pool with a sad look on his face. I was puzzled, one minute he was happy as Larry and the next he's sad? Something must be going on with his family? "Hey, don't look so glum, you've got me here!" I splashed him and started to laugh my head off. Yep real mature ness, real mature! Ricky grabbed my ankles gently but with a strong grip and started to pull me into the pool with him. "Common! You know you want to!" I laughed and started to scream! I fell into the pool while making a big fuss. I didn't care if I looked terrible, I didn't care if my hair looked a mess and I definitely did not care what I looked like because I was with him. In his arms, laughing without a care in the world...

... We were splashing and tickling eachother, screaming and laughing, having such a good time. Again and again he would pick me up and swing me round. I had such a good time with him. I felt like we were alone, the only two people in the world but it was over so quickly. We both had to get out the pool since the session was over.

Slowly, we got out the pool and entered the showers. We Had a quick rinse in the showers then I took Violet into the changing room. I offered to take Rayne in with me, since she is a girl. Ricky quickly said yes and I took her. I think he doesn't like getting her changed. I took the girls into the changing rooms along with Rayne's baby bag that Ricky gave me and we got changed. I came out with Violet holding my hand and Rayne in my arms. We met Ricky and Bruno outside and decided to drive to mcdonalds! Hmmmm my favourite! I wondered how Ricky got here on his motorbike with two kids? Then I realised that he had a car when we walked out into the car park. I suggested going in my car but then I realised it was a mini and only had four seats. Ricky suggested going in his car. He had a silver fiesta. I agreed so we emptied our swimming stuff into my car and I grabbed my handbag and my Justin Timberlakes CD, no way was I getting in the car with Violet without this!

"Why do you have that CD with you?" Ricky asked. "Violet and I must listen to it when we are always in the car together!" I implied. We sat down in Ricky's car and sung one song after the other. 'Your my lil pusher love girrlll' 'I'll be on my suit n tie' 'smacking that strawberry bubblegum... This goes out to you yoouu' and all the rest! Bruno and Rayne even joined in and I did see Ricky sing along with us in the best bits! We finally arrived at maccy ds and went to the drive through! I suggested that we could go back to mine with the kids and chill for a bit. Ricky agreed and started to order the food "I will have the Big Mac with chips and a coke, and two happy meals..." I told him what me and Violet wanted and he ordered for us. "A cheeseburger with extra gherkin, chips and a coke, chicken nuggets and chips with an orange juice." He turned at me and winked.

"I will pay" he suggested but I was not accepting that! I had to pay for mine and violets! "Let me pay for mine and Violets! I can't let you pay for all five of us!" We drove back to the car park where me and Violet took our CD and went into my car. I drove to my house and Ricky could roughly remember where I lived from last night but he still followed me!

We arrived back at mine and took the kids into the house. I opened the door and saw Harriet preparing lunch. She turned and gave me the dirtiest look. She saw the maccy d bags and looked me up and down. "I made you lunch but obviously you don't want it." "I still wouldn't want it even if I haven't eaten." I replied and walked into the middle of the kitchen with Ricky and the kids. "Harriet this is Ricky and his cousins, there staying for a bit, ok." She was speechless. Perfect. We walked up stairs into a room, with a flat screen TV, a massive sofa, popcorn machine and a sound system. Can you guess? A private cinema! We sat down and chilled out for a bit watching films and eating our mcdonalds while the kids played in Violets playroom which was next door.

Ricky and I finally decided on Easy A. This film was perfect for us. It was edgy and was about a rebel. I would go into detail but you know. You can watch it for yourself! Or watch the trailer! Gently, Ricky put his muscular arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. I came closer and buried myself into the side of him. He was loving, caring and damn right sexy. His thumb was stroking my arm and he was breathing softly. I held him tight and I didn't want to let go. The moment was ruined when Edward walked in his dressing gown and carrying the film Avatar in his skinny hands. He startled. "Charlie!!!" Edward shouted at the top of his lungs and I quickly got up and covered my hand over Edwards mouth and looked at him in his eyes and had a go at him! "Edward if you say anything to my dad about ruining your stupid movie timetable he's going to ground me because your to pathetic to do anything. You got it?" He nodded. Fear covered his face and his pupils became smaller. He backed out of the door and ran back into his room. Thank god.

I slouched down into the sofa and cuddled Ricky. He put his arm around me again "Wow your tough when you want to be." He laughed. I started to join in with him. We watched more of the film and finally finished. I realised that Abi could still be with Lee and I wanted all the gossip. I got up and walked out of the room. "I'll be back in a minute Ricky, I'm just getting my phone!" Running across the hall I quickly rummaged through my bag and finally finding my phone! I walked back to the private cinema and sat down next to Ricky once again. I checked my phone and had about 18 missed calls from Abi. Uh ok, she's in trouble. I started to call her but it went straight to voice mail. I looked down at my phone and stared at it. Ricky was confused and poked me a few times. "Vanessa can I ask you something?" I finally stopped staring at my phone and looked at him. His bold eyes caught my attention. "yeah, sure, go ahead." He held my hand and we both looked into each others eyes. "I was hoping you would like to go on a date tonight?" The look on his face was so adorable and he said it so quietly. I replied with a massive. "YES, I will!" Excitement filled my body and a rush travelled through it. "half 7 then, yeah sounds alright with you?" Omg what time was it? I ummed and erred while staring at my watch. it was half 5. I needed longer. "Can we say 8 o'clock?" He gave me a simple smile and said "Of course."

"I better get going then, thanks for today it was really fun! You must think I'm irresponsible for leaving the kids in the play room but Rayne was having her nap and Bruno has probably put her in our portable play pen by now." he explained. "I would do the same." He gathered Bruno and Rayne's things and walked out of my front door with them.

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