Chapter 2

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Ricky parked his motorbike down the road. I didn't want my dad to wake or even worse Harriet.

"I want to see you again." Ricky burst out, like literally out the blue! "Yeah me to, you seem really nice." I replied, did I just say that? Could I of not come up with a better line, seriously ness! "Great I will pick you up tomorrow at 8:00?" He offered. As much as I wanted to take up on his offer. I do have standards and I don't really appreciate it having a boy insist like that. I hesitated. "If you wanna take me out properly then think of a better way to put it." I walked away, playing hard to get, hoping he would run after me and he did. "I understand if your not into me, just say so." I was surprised by what he said, more like astonished. I told him the truth. "I am interested but I would prefer if you asked me out differently." I rolled my eyes and turned away. He gently grabbed onto my wrist, held my hand then locked his fingers in between mine and whispered in my ear and said "I'll make it up to you..." He kissed me on the cheek ran back to his motorbike and drove off.

My heart was pounding but not only because of Ricky. It was because my dads bedroom light turned on. I had to sneak into the back and try not to get caught.

My plan was to sneak into the downstairs toilet. I always hide my spare pjs in there. Especially if I go on a night out. Before I went out I left the window unlocked just in case. I didn't want to go in the front door because it would make to much noise. I carefully opened the window and crawled in slowly, trying my best not to make any loud noises. I opened the draw quietly and slipped out a baggy top and shorts. I quickly got changed. If I did get caught I would say I was getting a drink then went to the toilet that was always my excuse.

I left the bathroom and sneaked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and some pain killers, for the morning, I know I'm going to have a hangover.

We have a lot of stairs in our house so it was kinda hard for me to be sneaky. I crept up the stairs and ran into my bedroom and shut the door very quietly. I knew someone was walking down to the kitchen from the third floor, we live in a three storey house, it was either my dad or Harriet. Bearing in mind Harriet hates me and I hate her so it probably is her coming to check on me using the kitchen as an excuse. I put my long chocolate brown hair into a half pony tail, smeared my make-up a bit and flew under the covers of my bed. The landing light turned on and I instantly shut my eyes and opened my mouth slightly so I look like I've been sleeping for ages. It was my dad. Slowly, he walked into my room and came beside my bed and I just realised my phone was on top of my bed covers. He moved my phone and placed it on the bedside table. He kissed me on the forehead and stroked my cheek like a loving father. I couldn't think of anything worse, I felt guilty for coming in late. I felt awful about this sort of thing for the first time. I reached up and hugged him tight. I love my dad, he's been through a lot. He found it really hard and couldn't cope without mum. My dad smiled and pushed my baby hairs behind my ear and said "I love you darling, but you need to sleep." I smiled at him and rested my head on the pillow and replied "okay dad, I love you too."

The minute my dad left the room I shut my eyes and could not stop thinking about Ricky! How old was he? Does he still go to school? Is he a nice guy? Are those dreamy eyes contact lenses? I was really hoping that Ricky and I would go out on a date tomorrow, I think he would be the romantic type of guy. I wanna see the band again to, they were wicked! That reminds me, gotta text Abi, see how she's getting on with Lee. I grabbed my phone of my bedside table and text Abi, I couldn't exactly ring her. Abi quickly replied, within, two minutes and said 'omg ness! I'm having the best night so far! Lee is perfect and he's like a sex god! I'm not even joking, better then Dallas! I will talk later, I've got more action with Lee! luv ya b, hope you and Ricky had a good one!' I giggled to myself just picturing Abi write that text. I'm so immature. I replied 'omg abs sounds like your having a great time! Ricky is hopefully taking me out on a date maybe we can do double dates with Lee and you? hope your action is worth it, luv ya!'

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