Chapter 11

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The drive home seemed longer than before. It was much quieter aswell, I guess we had enough music for one night. In silence I dazed out of the car window watching the autumn leaves fall off their branches one by one. I think you could say that when leaves fall of trees it's like the leaves themselves are starting over. Sometimes I wish... I could start over, I could of stopped my mum from having the affair. On the other hand I wouldn't of met Ricky.

Do you ever panic, like the one you love and would do anything for could be gone in a split second. Once you've thought it, you start to feel anxious. Sometimes you feel like they're being strange around you and just don't wanna know you after all the time you spent together? I scared that's gonna happen. I'm not the type of girl everyone falls in love with.

I finally recognised the road we was on, my street. I opened the car door and I could here loud piercing sirens, ringing in my ears. Ambulance sirens.

I literally ran to my front door banging on the wood and kicking it till there was a large dent. My dad suffers with a minor heart condition, when it's ambulance serious he could be a gonna. I felt my throat closing up and my chest getting tighter, it was tough to breathe. I started feeling sick, getting dizzy, light headed and my panic feeling became true. I faintly saw Ricky rushing towards me, while I was sitting on the door step gasping for air. He came closer and before I knew it the silence returned.

I finally awoke to the voice of my dad. he was okay, the ambulance wasn't for him. I panicked for absolutely nothing. I was worried what my dad was gonna say about me sneaking out on a school night to meet a boy. Would my own dad think I was some sort of slag? I know Harriet would, I bet she's thinking of a punishment for me right now. Typical.

The second I heard my dad's voice a feeling of relief filled me but there was more to it than that. I was lying on my bed half conscious and still in a daze waiting for my dad to tell me everything was going to be okay. Weakly, I tried to sit up so my head could rest against a ton of pillows. I was totally hoping that there was just a mugging down the road and someone injured them self. My dad sat on the bed, and put his hand on my shoulder. "Something has happened Vanessa, it's horrendous." I was still in a daze and the words that came of out my dad's mouth did not configure into my brain. Dad knew I was in shock since I basically had a panic attack outside the house half 12 at night. He still had his hand on my shoulder "Darling Harriet is in a crisis, she's... well had a miscarriage."

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