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You might be wondering what this book is gonna be about?

I'm Vanessa, I have dark brown hair with plain brown eyes and I'm currently a 17 year old rebel who goes to an uptight private school in London.

My dad and mum split up when I was six. This was all my mums fault. She's a Lawyer you see and she had an affair with a client, his name is Matt. They live in Manchester now with a baby boy called Harry. I've seen my mum once or twice since my parents split but why would I want to. She ruined my life. My dad on the other hand is the sweetest person you will ever meet his name is Charles but his mates call him Charlie. My step mother is the the only one who calls him Charles. Harriet her name is, she's like the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland or the step mother in Cinderella. I try to stay out of her way, I really do but she is always breathing down my neck watching my every move. She was with a man before my dad, can you believe it? She's had two kids with him aswell. Marcus is her ex and he still see's the children aswell, he has them one week and Harriet has them the next. Edward is the eldest he's my age but a lot taller. I think he's 6ft 3? Or something. Edward does talk to me but not as much as little Violet. She just turned 11 the other week. She has the most beautiful hair, always smooth and glossy. Violet is such a chatterbox but the only people who have time for her is Edward, Marcus, my dad and me. Harriet wants nothing to do with her really. My dad and Harriet aren't married yet but I reckon that will change soon.

My best friend is called Abi, she is very thin and sometimes I'm worried she's got an eating disorder. If anything ever happened to Abi I would be distraught...

...Abi has bold blue eyes and bright blonde hair her original colour was a mousy brown but she hated it. Her hair is down to her waist and every now and then she cuts it. Her family is perfect. Her parents are happily married and she has an older sister called Maria, she's 23, who is studding to be a midwife. Abi also has a five year old brother called Rio. Her mum and dad are called Jack and Kelsey they both work in the music industry, we always get freebies. Did I mention that Abi has the cutest boyfriend yet, his name is Dallas. He was in the friend zone for three years. Thank god Abi got with him because if he didn't I think he would of got depressed. Dallas moved to England from California about 5 years ago, he sometimes goes back out there just to see family and his other mates. Dallas is about 6ft and Abi is a midget so she's gonna need a step ladder. She's lucky to have him.

Me on the other hand I don't have a boyfriend. My life is completely upside down. But that was until I went to this club...

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