Day 3- swimming

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Sebastian p.o.v

"Hey Sebby can we go swimming I've never been before and I really want to try." Jess asks me.

"I need to check with the others but I'm sure we can go." I say.

"Ok I will come with you." We head downstairs to where the others are.

"Hey guys Jess wants to go swimming who wants to come with us ?" I ask.

"Why not I'll come with you what about you Lizzy?" Ciel asks.

"Sure sounds like fun are the servants coming to?" Elizabeth asks. As she says that I feel the presence of the other servants.

"I don't know would you like to come? You can come still ears dropping now." Everyone looks confused until the servants come in.

"Sorry mister Sebastian I would love to come yes I would." Mey-rin says. I see Bard and Finny looking at each other and blushing then looking down.

"Sorry Sebastian but I would also love to come as well." Bard says.

"Yes sorry mister Sebastian and I would also love to come." Finny says.

"Ho ho ho." Is all Tanaka says. I notice Lizzy eying up mey-rin.

"Elizabeth can I talk to you in private please?" I ask. She jumps and snaps out of her thought. Her face turns red of embarrassment.

"Uh sure Sebastian." She says. Everyone looks confused.

"Elizabeth likes mey-rin." I whisper into Jess ear and her face turns from confusion to amusement. Then me and Elizabeth go outside.

"I saw you looking at mey-rin." I say and her face turns red again. "Do you like her?" I ask and she nods her head yes. "Is that also why you asked if the servant were coming as well." She nods her head again.

"I want to tell her but I can't I don't know how she will react and I don't want to risk it." She says.

"Well right now she's thinking about you in a swimming costume." I say.

"You can read minds?" She asks and I nod my head and I teleport mey-rin to where we are whilst Elizabeth is looking down I put my finger to my lips signalling to be quiet. "Ok prove it what am I thinking?"

" You are thinking about you and mey-rin kissing also turn around." 

She turns around and sees Mey-rin standing there with a blush on her face she walks up towards Elizabeth and kisses her.

"I love you Lizzy."

"I love you to mey-rin."

"Ok enough you two we need to make  a plan to get Finny and bard together. They both like each other but none of them will make a move." I say.

"When did you-" mey-rin starts to say.

"Don't ask." I introupt.

"Ok so what are we going to do to get them together?" Elizabeth asks.

"I could do what I did with you two take one of them out alone then teleport the other just before the other is about to say 'i love you' or something but let's do it at the beach." I say.

"Yeah sounds good now let's go pack." Mey-rin says as Elizabeth takes her hand and walk back inside still hand in hand and I follow close behind. We all pack and head out towards the beach.

( Time skip brought to you by AngelsCakes03 )

When we all arrive at the beach we all take turns changing in pairs. So it was me and Ciel and rose, Elizabeth and mey-rin then Bard and Finny then Jess on her own.

Elizabeth and mey-rin went in first. They came out after around five minutes and the both look flustered. 

"Have a bit of fun in there did you." I whisper as they stood by me making them both go a darker red. 

Next it was Bard and Finny they both come out hand in hand and they both have a blush on their face. Me and Ciel went in next with rose and got changed. Then Jess went in last.

We spent the rest of the day at the beach just swimming and messing around until sunset and we went home. Mey-rin and Elizabeth got together as well as Bard and Finny

"I had fun today I'm glad everyone came." Everyone nods their heads in agreement. When we got back to the manor everyone went their separate ways and went to bed.

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