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Sebastian p.o.v

I was so sad when I went into the room to see my young master and Lady Elizabeth kissing since me being me I didn't show my emotions. 

"Ahem I hope I'm not intrupting anything." I tried not to sound like I was hurti g.

As they look at me but I only looked at Ciel I wanted to see if he enjoyed it or not and I guessed he did because of the massive dark blush on his face. I felt my heart sink even more seeing that. I just wanted to get out of there right now.

"Here is your tea and biscuits my lord and lady Elizabeth. Now if you will excuse me I'm going to tend to my duties" I said a little to quick.

I quickly left the room before Ciel could say anything all I wanted to do was finish my jobs and go somewhere to be alone to cry and think of how to get Ciel out of my head.

Ciel p.o.v

After Sebastian left to go and get me and Lizzie some tea. We had a conversation. Well she talked and I pretend to listen like I normally do. I was thinking about Sebastian and how we kissed. I suddenly felt lips against my own I snapped out of my gaze to see Elizabeth kissing. I felt my cheeks go red almost immediately. The next thing I heard was Sebastian's voice.

"Ahem I hope I'm not intrupting anything." I could feel that he was sad but trying not to sound like it. I looked at him trying to get this stupid blush of my face.

 I could see that he was hurt because of his eyes. Sebastian is very good at hidding his emotions but I can still see that little bit of hurt. I immediately felt bad. I looked at Lizzie I do t think she could see that he was hurt.

"Here is your tea and biscuits my lord and Lady Elizabeth. Now if you will excuse me I'm going to tend to my duties" he said that a little quicker than he normally speaks. I was about to say something but he had already left.

I turned back to Elizabeth she had a confused look on her face and asked "is Sebastian alright?" 

"I'm sure he's fine. He probably went to find the other servants to tell them what to do and fix their mistakes" I lied I decided it wasn't the right time to tell her the truth yet even tho I will have to at some point in the future.

Sebastian p.o.v

After I finished all my work for today I made my lord and lady Elizabeth some lunch but I didn't want to see them yet so I gave it to Tanaka to give it to them I just said that I have to run a errand.

After that I just went into the woods. But just my luck that I see a red head reaper.


"What do you want Grell I'm not in the mood" I said annoyed but I was actually a bit happy to see her so I could get my mind of Ciel.

"I just came to se- hey what's wrong?" Grell asked concerned. Wait did she just ask what's wrong?

"Nothing I'm fine" I snapped. 

"No your not tell me why"

"I don't want to talk about it"

"Fine" she says annoyed but happy at the same time probably because I haven't told her to go away yet.

"Want to come have have a cup of tea?" I ask right now I just want to take my mind of Ciel and lady Elizabeth even if it means having a cup of tea with this red head.

"Oh I'll love to bassy" she says rather happy.

"Okay then let's go" I say.

"One more thing"

"Wh-" Grell gives me a quick peck on the check before heading towards the manor.

A/n: hey guys I hope your enjoying the story this I really fun to write see you next time bye :)

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