The battle

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Sebastian p.o.v

I decided not to bother yelling at Grell just for giving me a quick peck on the check because 1: I can't be bothered and 2: I just want some company right now so I can distract myself.

"Spool Bassy why have you invited me to have tea with you I thought you hated me" Grell asks snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Why do you ask I finally pay attention to you and you question it" I say. I don't want the reaper knowing why I did invite her back.

"I'm just happy to spend time with you Bassy!" She exclaimed rather happy.

Grell p.o.v

Something is wrong with Sebastian he wouldn't want to spend time with me and he definitely wouldn't ask to have tea with me at all. He would of sent me away.

"I'm sooooo happy that we get to spend time with each other Bassy" I exclaim

"I know Grell you keep saying that" Sebastian says. We get back to the manor and we walk in. I sit down in one of the chairs whilst Sebastian goes and makes the tea.

"What have you been up to recently I have noticed that you seem to come here less and less have you been busy with reaping?" I hear Sebastian say.

"You notice how I've not been here how sweet and to answer your question yeah it has been busy recently. How has it been for you what have you been doing?" I ask.

"I've been good just the normal things" he says. I get up and walk over to hug him and Sebastian doesn't reject I wonder why and how far I can go? 

"What are you doing Grell?" He asks 

"It's called a hug Bassy" I answer

"I know what it is can you get of me now?" He asks

"Ok" I get off him and ask "would you have a battle with me Bassy?"

"Why do you want a battle now Grell?" He asks with a confused look on his face. 

"I want something if I win" I say with a smile.

"Of course you do what is it?" He asks

"A kiss" I answer with a big smile on my face.

"What do I get if I win?" He asks.

"What do you want?" 

"Well if I win if you come over and I don't want you here and I tell you to leave you leave without questions. Deal?"

"Fine. Deal."

"Ok let's head to the forest away from the manor" Sebastian suggests.

"Ok but don't you need to tell that little brat?" 

"If he needs me he will call" he says

(Time skip to the battle)

Sebastian p.o.v

Why did I agree to this one I'm not in the right state of mind and two I'm losing.

"Come on Bassy stop day dreaming" Grell says before slashing my right arm. I flinch a little because it's quite deep.

"Oh right" I snap back and throw some knifes and forks at her but she dodges every one.

"Bassy are you alright your not attacking like you normally do" Grell asks. I suddenly start to feel a little light headed.

"Grell do you want to make it a draw you get your kiss and I get my end of the deal ok?" I ask I suddenly feel weak as well.

"Ok fine but I want the kiss right now!" Grell states

"Fine" I walk up to her and pin her against a tree my body is against her. I lean down and place my lips on hers. I feel her shiver under me. Without noticing she slides her tongue into my mouth I pull back. The last words I hear are "are you alright" and I pass out.

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