40k special

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Dont worry im getting back to the story soon

You and your team mates bowed and thanked the other team for the game.

You were nervous. This is your first game. You never actually prepared for it.

Then your team captain patted your back.

"You'll do great." She whispered to you.

You nodded and got sat go in the sideline box.

You looked up at the crowd to see who all came. There was Tendou, your dad, Semi, Sugawara, Hinata, Kageyama, Yaku, Lev, Kenna, Kuroo, Aone, bokuto, Oikawa, and Terushima was here to. 

"Wow...." You whispered to yourself.

Has of right now, the game seemed to be going well. It was 25-23. We won the first set. The second set though was tight. With the couch still not calling me up. This seemed to piss Ushijima off.

"Come on!" You yelled.

Soon enough the opposite team took the second set.

"Time out!" Our couch yelled.

Soon the team formed a circle around our couch.

"Now, this is the last set. Watch your feet. Don't let the ball hit the floor. Watch your teammates moves. And the game never ends until that last point is added." Our coach said.

Soon your teammate were put back into the game. You looked at your couch.

"Hang on, Ms. Ushijima." The couch smiled.

You pouted and waited. Soon the third set was 20-23. With your team falling behind.

"Alright!" The couch gave you the 5 panel.  You grabbed it and traded spaces. You were scared. Very scared. What if you tripped. Hit someone. Or worse! You looked up and saw Semi looking at you with a....angry look?


"Uncle Semi!" You called out as the said male put you in a head lock.

"It's your first game!" He said.

"I know that!" You yelled trying to get out his hold.

"Listen..." He stated and let you go.

"Dont get distracted. Don't let those worry some thoughts flood your head. If you do, I'll beat your ass." He warned.

You stared at him shocked.

"Understand?!" He snapped.

You bowed

"Yes sir!" You yelled.


You gulped and turned from his glare. You took a breath and looked forward.

"You wanna be the ace? You gotta work for it." Your dads words replayed in your head.

"Air ball!" One of your teams called. You crouched and received it. So far you were doing good. No falls, hits on other teammates. Good.

Its the last set. 24/24. One on one. You gulped again and looked back at Semi. He looked focused. Not on you. But on the other team. So were a few others. This, scared you.

"Reader/n!" Your captain called. You looked back and saw your team setter was setting you the ball. The LAST ball.

"ONE MORE POINT, TINY!" Your heard Kuroo yell.

"LAND IT AND ILL TEACH YOU HOW TO POLE DANCE!" Bokuto yelled earning glares from his fellow friends.

You ran up to the net. Eyes on the ball. You jumped and swag. Your hand hit the ball.

The ball hit the floor.

On your side.

The ball YOU hit was blocked.

You landed on your back, knocking the air out of you, and looked at your teammates.

You lost. And it was your fault.

"Don't blame yourself." You heard your captain say as she lended you a hand.

You took it and then looked at her.

"Hah! It's only the first game! Theres more opportunities!" You cheered.

Your captain smiled and patted your head. 

"Thats right." She whispered. The she walked away.

"Imma go to the bathroom!" You yelled and jogged to the said place.

Once there you locked the door. You looked in the mirror. A loud sob escaped your mouth. You felt like it was your fault. No....IT WAS.

Now there you are, crying in the bathroom.

Part two? 👀😳

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