Chapter 5

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You were playing outside with Tendou and Lev. You had a small volleyball and was rolling it to Lev, who rolled it to Tendou, who then rolled it back to you.

"This is actually fun!" Tendou yelled.

"I know right?!" Lev yelped.

You giggled at their excitement. Soon you bored and tried to stand to your feet.

"Huh?!" Lev and Tendou both said at the same time.

You finally got to your feet when you saw your dad looking at you from the gym door. You giggled and waddled over to him. You stumbled half way there, but soon recovered.

"She's walked!" Tendou yelled to Lev.

"I know!" Lev said.

She finally got to Ushijima. Once you did, he bent down and picked you up. He kissed your forehead and glanced at Tendou and Lev.

"Nekoma has a practice game in a few minutes." He stated.

Lev tensed.

"Oh crap!" He yelled and dashed into the gym.

-time skip brought to you by Ushijima's softens-

"Imma drop out of school and become a stripper!" Bokuto boasted.



"It is best if you stay on the right path of success. This choice in action may cause immediate regret!"


"Please don't."

"A dancing owl? Never seen it! But, it is 2020! Anything could happen at this point."



"Absolutely not!"


"No one wants to see....that."

"Oya oya! Ill watch! No homo!"

You were currently with Kiyoko and Sugawara, listening to the massive conversation.

"Reader/n... don't become a stripper please." Sugawara pleaded.

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