Chapter 19

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"Ok Tiny! Do what I do." Kuroo said and got in a block position.

You being a short baby couldn't block anything, but Kuroo still tried to teach you.

You did what Kuroo was doing. Raised your chubby hands and reached as far as you could. You pouted when you couldn't get has high as Kuroo.

"Cute." Kenma whispered as he lightly tossed the ball to your hands. He made sure to make sure that the ball hit your hands just enough to block it.

"Good job pudding." Kenma stated.

"TINY! You badass bitch!" Kuroo yelled and lifted you up by your arm pits.

"Ahahahh!" You giggled out.

"Lets teach her how to spike. Hey hey heyyyyy!" Bokuto yelled and ran into the gym.

"Totally!" Kuroo responded.

Kenma shrugged and pulled out his game.

"Alright! My baby owl! First get in a squatting position!" Bokuto instructed. Kuroo got on his knees behind you and helped you into position.

"Now~! Take your hand, and when the ball comes to you... you swat at!" Bokuto tossed the volleyball in the air and spiked it down.

"Oya! Oya! OYA!" You yelled and made grabby hands to the volleyball ball now on the court floor. Bokuto ran and picked up the ball. He then ran to you and Kuroo and gave the volleyball to Kuroo's free hand.

"Ok! Do what I did!" Bokuto cheered.

Kuroo held the ball up in front of you. That way you couldn't miss it.

You raised your chubby baby fingers and somewhat spiked the ball out of kuroo's hand.

"Yay! Tiny!" Kuroo cooed.

"My baby owl is growing so fast." Bokuto sniffled.

Even though no one noticed, Ushijima was watching. Tears started flooding his eyes with he noticed that reader/n looks like mothers/n so much. But those tears quickly faded and soon turned into tears of proudness.

"You big baby." Akaashi whispered behind him. Scaring that living day light out of Ushijima.

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