Chapter 4!

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A/n I got some more ideas 👁👄👁 Anywho~

You sat in the baby chair in the cafeteria. Your dad didn't want you to be in the gym because you would cause distractions. If course, he didn't mean it in a harsh way.

The mangers were all in the kitchen while Yachi sat with you at your little table. Yachi got you some crayons and some paper to draw on so you didn't get bored to much but, that didn't last to long. Suddenly you threw the red crayon on the floor.

"HUH?! What?! WHY ARE YOU THROWING THEM?!" Yachi cried and picked the crayon up. You huffed and turned to have your back face her.

"What did I even do?" Yachi basically sobbed.

You looked at her and grabbed the green crayon. Then threw it(yeeted).

"Why!" Yachi cried.

You giggled at her pleading.

Yachi began to pick up the crayon, when you would toss another. This went on for at least 1 hour.

"Ughhhhh, why are you sooooo mean!" Yachi huffed. You just giggled.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto ran into the cafeteria, kuroo hot on his trail. Soon Tsukishima, and Akaashi walked in.

Yachi yelled in relief and picked you up. She made her way to where Kuroo and Bokuto were, and shoved you in his arms. He let out a alarmed scream.

"Take her! Please! I don't have the patience!" Yachi begged.

"Oh...o-ok?" Kuroo stuttered out.

"AKAASHI! COME HERE!" Bokuto called out to his friend.

"What?" Akaashi snapped once he was over there.

Bokuto then snatched you away from Kuroo and handed you to Akaashi.

"What the fuck man!" Kuroo yell and slapped Bokuto's head.

"Ah! Oh, hey Tiny." Akaashi the walked away to the "team mom table".

"Wait! AKAASHI!" Bokuto cried but Akaashi ignored him.

"I got a guest guys." Akasshi said and sat next to Yaku.

"My baby!" Sugawara cried.

You giggled and made grabby hands to Sugawara.

"She always wants you!" Yaku pouted as Akaashi gave you to Sugawara.

"Well nit to brag but, she loves me more." Sugawara boasted.

"I call bull!" Semi pouted.

"Sugawara has known reader/n longer then any of us though." Akaashi pointed.

"Can we just calm down." Iwaizumi whispered.

"What's up with you?" Yaku asked.

"I just got Trashkawa away from me." Iwaizumi huffed.

"You mean your setter and team captain?" Semi asked.

Iwaizumi nodded.

You clapped your tiny hands together and laughed. Sugawara held you up and gave you raspberries on your stomach. You let out louder laughs. Soon Sugawara stopped and let you play with his hair.

"Man, she's a handful." Iwaizumi commented.

"Oh hush!" Yaku slapped his back.

A/n: sorry if it's short! I wanna continue the book, so I'm trying to space it out now. Also go read my new book called...Ages!

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