Chapter 12

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"You never have time for me!" The young woman yelled.

"I try to! I have volleyball to, you know?! I can't have time for someone so clingy!" Ushijima yelled back.

"It's me, or volleyball." She growled.

"W-what?" Ushijima's voice cracked.

"You heard me!" She snapped.

He couldn't believe it. She was going to make him choose? He couldn't choose between the only two things that he loved. (Ugh! This bitch-)

"Y-you can't... y-you can't make me c-choose between my career and my love!" He cried. Ushijima was never the one to show emotion, but right now... he couldn't hold back.

"Yes... yes I can." She stated sternly.

Ushijima stared at her with wide eyes.

"I-....." He couldn't even talk.

The woman, that he had been dating for at most two years, was make him choose between love... and his passion. Suddenly he new his choice.

"Volleyball." He whispered.

"W-what?" The woman asked shocked.

"I said... VOLLEYBALL! Because volleyball can't get up and walk away! My career can't get up and say that I'm not enough to play it! It won't make you choose! If you wanna leave, then g-go." He yelled.

"You don't know what your saying!" She yelled.

Ushijima stared at the girl. The sweet, loving look that she was famous for, gone. Replaced with a furious one.

"Whatever, have fun being alone. You pathetic bastard." She sneered.

"Mothers/n." He whispered.

Then she walked out. Leaving Ushijima with his thoughts. He sighed and cover up the fact that he was crying. Then he dialed a number. The number of someone he trusts.


"So! You're telling me... that she just left. Like that?" Tendou asked.

"Yes, is that not what I said." Ushijima complied.

"Man, woman are never understandable." Tendou sighed.

Ushijima nodded and looked at his feet.

" BUT HEY! I heard that there was a party at Reon's! Wanna go? Get your mind off things!" Tendou asked.

Ushijima thought for a moment. He was about to lecture him about why Reon was having a party, but Tendou covered his mouth.

"Yes or no." He pleaded.

"Fine, as long as theres no alcohol." Ushijima stated.

" I thought that I said yes or n- Never mind!" Tendou yelled.


At the party Ushijima just sT next to Semi and Reon. Taking a sip of his water.

"I heard what happened. I glad that you choose your team." Semi said.

"Yeah... the Boy's come first." Ushijima stated. Reon almost spat out his drink.

"Who told you that saying?!"

"Tendou did. Is there a twisted meaning to it?" Ushijima asked.

Semi slowly shook his head.

After some time Ushijima zoned out. Not nothing the familiar female putting alcohol in his cup. Again.

Dinking it, Ushijima started feeling tipsy. Then he noticed the familiar female.

" mothers/n?" He asked.

"Hey~" she cooed, pulling out him out of his seat.

"How bout, you come play with me?" She asked, starting to unbutton her shirt.

"But... but aren't we to old to *hic* play?" Ushijima asked.

"Dumbass." Mothers/n hissed under her breath.

"Of course not!" She happily purred.

"Sorry but, I'm not *hic* interested." He slurred.

"Guess what?" She whispered. Slowly pulling him into a room.

"Huh?" He responded.

"I don't care." She growled and pushed him into a room. Closing and locking the door behind her.

"Hey.. what are you- HEY! HANG ON! WAIT! CONSENT! CONSENT LADY!"

-11months later-

Ushijima just got back from a game. He was tried and sweaty.

He quickly jumped into the shower and cleaned him self.

Once he was done, he walked into the kitchen and started cooking some ramen. Suddenly the door bell rang.

"Get the door please!" His roommate yelled from his room.

"Alright!" He yelled back.

Ushijima walked up to the door and open it.

"W-what?!" He gazed at the figure.

"Ushijima." She growled.

"Mothers/n?" He whispered.

"Take it." She snapped and shoved the little figure in his hands.

"Huh?!" He yelled. It was a baby.

"It's your fault! If you just didn't go to that damn party!"The woman yelled.

"Mine?! How? I don't remember fucking anyone! Much less you!" Ushijima protested.

"Take the little shit! Or I'll tell the police that you raped me!" She sneered.

Ushijima couldn't believe his ears.

"Yea, thats right. You were so drunk that you push me into a room and raped me." She laughed.

"Don't pull that shit!" A voice boomed behind him.

Ushijima looked behind him to see his roommate.

"I just so happen to be on my way here, and I see this whore framing you?! Hell nah!" He hissed.

"Whatever! She take it! I don't want it!" Mothers/n then stomped away.

Ushijima couldn't believe what happened. He can't take care of a baby!

"Don't worry dude. I'll help out as much as I can." His roommate patted his back.

Ushijima just stared at the child in his hands.

"Reader/n...... that's a good name right?" He asked you, knowing you can't even hear him.

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