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Dana pov
What did she mean? How would things between us change? I looked at her and smiled knowing that I'll miss her when I'm famous. Her hand got loose and I guess she's falling asleep. I don't know what she means but I need to find out. We tell each other everything. I remember the first time we met, it was second grade. The teacher had announced that there was a new student. She walked in all shy ,behind her mom of course. I got out of my seat and introduced myself.
Flashback 2005
"Hi i'm Dana Vaughns" I said holding my hand out
"I'm Pilar Crossman" She said shaking my hand
"Your my new bestfriend" I said taking her by the hand and pulling her to the seat next to me
"Okay, Bye mommy"
"Bye Pilar"
End of Flashback
Yeah, after that we went over each others house almost everyday. This forced our parents to become friends, as we became closer. Pilar had her first boyfriend in 2 grade too she told me to promise not to tell her mom. The dude was stupid he got f's on everything. He was also really rude to Pilar of course I had to rough him up. Ahh those were the days. Pilar began to move in her sleep so I looked at her longer. She removed her hand from mine and leaned against me. I looked down at her, I always knew Pilar was beautiful. But you know I liked Kelly and I just didn't notice it until now. She began to speak in her sleep.
"Don't go with her you belong with me, you always have" She said sleepily
I wonder who she was talking to and then I heard it
"Dana I think I love you" Pilar said "Hopefully you feel the same"
That's what she means by it will change things between us. She began to speak again.
"I knew you didn't like me and I knew this would change things between us, I'll leave now"
What? Wait why did I say I don't love her back. What the hell Dana she's having a dream.
I whispered in Pilar's ear "Wake up Pilar"
She began to move, her face cringed as she slowly opened her eyes.
"Are we there"
"No but you were talking in your sleep"
"Oh no, Tell me you didn't hear what I think you heard"
" What the part that you love me"
"Oh god" She sat up straight and put her hands on her face
"It's okay" I said rubbing her back "Nothing is going to change between us"
She looked up at me and just starred, I did the same.
"Are you sure this changes nothing between us" She asked
"Yes i'm positive"
She smiled and gave me a hug. The flight attendant scared the shit out of us because we both jumped. We looked at her.
"Sorry to startle you two but would you like something to drink"
Pilar pov
I shot up out of my sleep and looked around. Dana was looking at me weird and the guy across from us stared at me. I smiled and leaned back. Dana took his head phones off.
"Hey you okay" He asked with concern "You look pale"
"Yeah just a weird dream" I said "Um.. Was I talking in my sleep"
"No you just moved around a lot"
"Oh okay"
"Hey what was the dream about"
"You had a flash back about us when we first met and then something else i just can't remember" Well it was partially true
"Good morning" The flight attendant said
"Good morning" We said in unison
"Would you like anything to drink"
"I'll take a two waters" Dana said
"Okay anything else"
"No thank you" I said
She walked off sliding something under Dana's water
"She just gave you her number" I said smiling and putting gum into my mouth
"Eww" Dana said "She's a cougar"
"I don't think she knows how old you really are" I said laughing
"That's not funny" He said in pure disgust "That's nasty, she's like 30 years old"
I looked at her and she looked like she was in her late twenties early thirties.
"Well she looks like she's twenty-nine" I said still laughing "Plus I think she's into 16 year olds"
"Aww Pilar thats gross" He said opening his water "Come on shut up"
"Okay Okay i'm sorry" I said still laughing
"But you continue laughing" He said with a smirk
I stopped laughing when I realized what he was implying
"Dana No" I said as he raised his hands
"You have no where else to go"
"No Dana, we are on a plane I'm sorry"
"To late"
He began to tickle me as I began to laugh loudly. Other passengers were either laughing or disgusted at the scene. The flight attendant looked pissed off. She came walking towards us.
"Excuse me ma'am but you are disturbing the guest" She said looking at me and not noticing Dana's hands on my stomach
"I'm sorry I was just tickling my girlfriend" Dana said and the lady looked at us
"Oh that's your girlfriend" She said "You guys don't look cute together"
"Neither does the make-up on your face but you don't see us complaining" I said
"You little brat" She said slapping me
I stood up and the first class passengers pulled out there phones. Dana moved over to the window seat and shook his head at the lady.
"Why are you shacking your head" She asked
"Because it's always a bad idea to hit Pilar" He said "I think your going to need a doctor"
"What" She said and looked at me
I was 38 hot because this cougar put her hands on me. I balled my fist up and walked slowly up to her.
"I don't think you want to do that again" I said in a clam polite tone
"Of course I do" She said "Your just a little girl with no strength"
"You really want to go there old lady"
She slapped and pushed me
"My turn" I said with a smirk
I kicked her knee back and she screamed in pain then I kneed her face. She landed on the ground and I got on top of her I began to punch this lady until her nose started bleeding. Dana pulled me off and everybody went to there normal position. I sat back down quickly and Dana pulled my face towards his.
"Nice punch" He said with our faces only inches apart
His voice suddenly sent chills down my spin. The security for the plane came in and Dana quickly kissed me. I kissed back and to be honest his lips are so soft. Dana Vaughns you are offically the love of my life.
"What happened to you Madison" He asked helping her off the floor
"That demon child" she said loudly
Dana and I smiled into the kiss. The security tapped our shoulders and we pulled apart.
"May I help you" Dana asked
"No I want to talk to the girl beside you" He spoke sternly
"Well she's my girlfriend whatever you have to say to her you can say in front of me" Dana said standing up and I did the same.
"Well little girl" The man said making everyone in first class snicker "Anyway, did you hit Madison"
"No sir but she put her hands on me and my boyfriend made me feel better" I said now forcing myself not to laugh.
"I'm sorry ma'am but I need proof of that"
"Ask any passenger" Dana said pulling me into a hug as I laughed but made it seem as I was crying
"Okay young man I will"
I looked up and saw him walk up to one of the people who saw the whole thing.
"Sir did that flight attendant hit that child in the face"
"Yes sir twice" The man said
"Madison" He looked at her
"No Darrell there lying"
"I don't believe you would hit this innocent child"
He looked at me and I smiled. He grabbed Madison's arm and pulled her away.
Everyone in first class started laughing and Dana and I hugged. I was laughing along with everyone else.
"So that kiss" I said
"Yeah about that" He said scratching the back of his neck
"I thought you said you wouldn't do it again" I said
"I know i'm sorry" He said "I... Ha-" I cut him off by kissing him again
I kissed him slow, it took him a while to kiss me back. Dana put his arms slowly around my waist and I put mine around his neck. The passengers were saying 'aww' and we let go.
"What was that for" He asked with a smile
"To make us somewhat equal" I said
"Well I think you kiss better then I do" He said
"Oh please"
"I know you too aren't going out" The old man across from us said "So why don't you"
"How did you know" I asked
"Because earlier you guys didn't even touch each other or look at each other in that way" he said
"Yeah your right we're not dating, we're just really close friends that would do anything for eachother" I said making Dana smile
"That's right" He said "Pilar love me so much that she got me an audition for an upcoming boy band"
I blushed and sat down in my original seat, Dana soon did the same.
"Love you bestfriend" He said kissing my cheek
"I love you too curly fry" I said making him laugh
We then talked the rest of the flight. It was funny and cute, if any girl was in my spot at that moment they'd be lucky because I sure as hell was.

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