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Dana pov
I was happy when found out that Pilar liked me but do I like her back is the question. I stood by the window and sighed listening to the door close. I rubbed my neck and walked out after her, I walked back to the conference room in the hotel and sat down.

"As I was saying" Eben continued "You guys are going to do a cover of a song"

"Cool" Will said excited

"Yeah real awesome" I said rubbing my temples

"You okay Dana you don't sound to excited" Cole asked

"Sorry I have a lot on my mind" I said as Eben's assistant looked at me

"Are you okay Dana" She asked me

"Just peachy" I said rolling my eyes and Gabe rolled his too

"Anyway in another 2 days we'll post it on youtube and start building up your fan base" Eben said "until then.. meeting dismissed.. enjoy the rest of your day"

I decided to go for a walk. 15 minutes into my walk I see Pilar on a swing singing, People are surrounding her and she doesn't notice. Her eyes are closed, I walked up and listened to what she was singing. Mali Music Walking Shoe's and she's killing the song.

" Yeah I believe I believe
But it's a dream that I anit seen yet
Chasing a dream that I anit dream yet
But I'ma meet it half way if I keep on walking" She sang
"If I keep on walking"

Someone started recording until she finished the song. She opened her eyes and jumped almost falling off the swing. They clapped and so did I walking up to her.

"You did great " I said looking around "at least these people think so"

"Thanks" she looked anywhere but at me

"So you like me huh" I asked as the group got smaller

"Yeah" she finally looked me in my eyes

"That's great news" I said lifting her off of the swing and staring into her eyes before slowly kissing her

"wait" she sighed "does that mean you like me to"

"Yes of course" I said unsure but tried not to show it

"Yeah but we shouldn't date" she said stepping out of my grip

"Why not" I asked completely confused

"Because you have a career now and I don't want to be in your way of that" she said being her generous self

"That doesn't matter " I said grabbing her waist once again

"No Dana" She said pulling away again "That assistant is right if you and I you know and I you know then your career could be over before it starts"

"But were not until your ready" I said not even sure if I was ready to have this conversation "okay, plus we're no where near that"

"Okay" She said nodding in agreement "So what does this mean"

"That were in heavy liking" I said grabbing her waist and kissing her "or dating"

She playfully hit my chest with a smile.


We walked back into the hotel hand and hand. Eben's assistant did a double take as she was walking past to leave the establishment. Her eyes grew big and her jaw fell. I chuckled at the sight and knew P won. As we took a step into the elevator Pilar began to laugh.

"What" I said

"Did you see her mouth" She said as she continued to laugh

"Yep" I said giggling at her silliness which turned into a full blown laugh

"So boyfriend/not really boyfriend what are we doing tonight"She asked enthusiastically

"Chilling" I said with a smirk " How about that girlfriend/not really girlfriend"

She smiled as we walked into the room we share. The relationship that we know isn't as complicated as we're making it seem engulfing the room. We shower, change, and relax.

A love story (Dana Vaughns)Where stories live. Discover now