Next Morning

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I woke up to the sound of knocking. I blinked a few times before realizing where I was... sleeping on top of Dana's Chest. I smiled and got up making my way to the door. I opened the door to none other than Ms.Assistant.

"Get dressed Peasant" She said looking me up and down before walking away

I closed the door and went to wake Dana up who was still asleep. I looked at him and and admired his features for a few seconds. I had the biggest urge to kiss him but didn't, instead I kissed his cheek. He opened one eye and smiled.

"Good moring" He said in his sexy raspy voice .... Did I just think that 

"Get up your boss needs us" I said getting off of the bed and walking to my suitcase

"You okay" He asked me as I picked out some clothes

"Yeah why" I asked placing them in the bed

"Because you look upset" He grabbed a few things from his suitcase and walked into the restroom

"It's nothing" I said walking into the restroom behind him

"Okay" He said brushing his teeth shrugging

For the next 15 minutes we stayed quiet and got ourselves together.

"You ready" He asked as I put my shoe's on

"Yeah" I said grabbing my phone to call my mom

Dana had on black sweat pants, with a white muscle shirt, and some black vans. I wore navy blue Jean shorts, with SpongeBob graphic T-shirt, and my Air Force 1's.


"Hi mom" I spoke into the receiver

"Hey Pilar, how's everything going" she asked

"Pretty good so far" I smiled "we're on our way to meet Dana's manager"

"Let me talk to Dana" She asked and I put my phone on speaker

"Say hello" I said

"Hey Dana" she said with enthusiasm "how do you like L.A so far"

"Hey Ma" he smiled "it's really nice to be honest, I'll really miss you guys at home"

"We'll miss you too big head" I said leaning into Dana

"DON'T BREAK MY CHAIR" My mom yelled "I gotta go, I volunteered to babysit the neighbors kids for a few hours and it been horrible"

"Bye Mom" Dana and I said in unison laughing


"I miss her already" He said

"I'll Definitely miss you when I leave Next week" I said walking out of the elevator

"I'll miss you more" He wrapped his arm around me

I felt a bubbly feeling but shook it off. We walked up to the rest of the group and greeted each other. Eben's assistant began to talk.

"Okay boys follow me" She said "Today we're gonna have you learn some choreography and a song"

We followed her into a dance studio. There was an instructor at the front of the room excited to see them. He introduced himself and played the beat of the song they will be dancing too. A few hours later, the boys were taught a dance and were sent back into their rooms to learn a song. We all agreed that learning it separately was a good thing before meeting up with each other.

"Were already learning songs" Dana said and laid spread out on the bed

"Well get ready to have a fan base " I chuckled sitting in the chair

A love story (Dana Vaughns)Where stories live. Discover now