Late Nights....

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Dana pov

6 hours later

I laid in bed with my hands under my head. I stared at the ceiling with my beats blasting Legend by: Drake. I was truly wrong earlier, I apologized so many times. I turned to my side and stared at my sleeping beauty. I took my beats off and turned my music off. Pilar laid on her side, hair in a ponytail, and closed eyes. I turned the light off and pulled her closer to me.

"I don't want you to hold me" She said

"I thought you were asleep" I asked

"I closed my eyes doesn't mean I was asleep" She moved back to her spot

"I'll just move up" I mumbled moving towards her

"I'm serious Dana" She said moving up "Don't touch me"

"I want to touch you" I said pulling her closer to me

She pushed me off of her and stood up, grabbing a pillow and a sheet out of the closet.

"Where are you going" I asked

"To sleep on the couch" She opened the door and walked out

"Babe" I said "You can't be serious"

I stood up and walked out after her. Before she laid down, I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder.

"Dana put me DOWN" She kicked me

"No" I said smacking her ass "Now stop being a bad girl"

"Fuck you" She snarled

"When" I asked throwing her on the bed

"The fuck" She said

"You said it" I climbed on top of her and kissed her soft lips

I wrapped my hand around her waist and the other on her thigh. She wrapped her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss. I let go feeling myself blush as Pilar slowly opens her eyes. She gasped and started to giggling a while afterwards.

"What" I asked

"Your buddy is really excited isn't he" She burst into laughter

I looked down "Shit you made me this way"

"I'm not fixing it tho" She said

"Yes you will" We stared each other down

"I won't" Pilar said grabbing my shirt and flipping us over

She examined my face and then kissed me. I kissed back and added some tongue. I slowly rubbed up and down her body. It was like a roller coaster, the curves on her body feel like roller coasters. Someones phone began to ring and I groaned.

"Have to answer it" Pilar said grabbing her phone



Frankie: What's up bitch

P:Hey boo what's up

Me:Hey Frankie

Frankie: Dana don't hurt my friend

Me: The only thing i'll hurt is between the sheets if you know what I mean


Frankie: I did not want to hear that

P:Neither did I

Me: But you still love me

P: I guess

Me:No you know

Frankie: Any whore I'm coming down there for an audition

Me: What movie

Frankie: I forgot the name but it's whatever

P: How do you forget the movie you want to be in

Frankie:shut up, so what are you guys doing

P:well we were just laying down

Me: that's a lie

P:shut up Dana


Pilar:Well be honest somewhere else

Frankie: Okay Dana what were you guys really

Pilar:Shut up Dana

Me:About to get it on until you called

Pilar: Now that was a lie

Me:No it wasn't

Frankie: Well when yall lyin asses know how to tell the truth call me back

Pilar:Bye Frankie

Me: Bye Frankie

Frankie: Bye bitches


"Really Dana like all that information did not have to be given" Pilar said

"I was being honest" I held my hands up

Pilar Grabbed my wrist and sat on top of me

"I like this position" I said making her laugh

"Shut up Vaughns" Pilar smiled and leaned down to kiss me

I kissed back and her grip loosened as I deepened the kiss. I grabbed her waist and decided to kiss her neck. Flipping us over my took my shirt off and then Pilar's. I kissed down her chest and touched down her body.

(A/N:Yall know what happened I rather not put it in detail.)

A love story (Dana Vaughns)Where stories live. Discover now