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Pilar pov

I finished taking a shower and turned on my Pandora to Seyvn Streeter station. The song that came on was 'It Won't Stop' ,I began to sing to it. I put on my undergarments and begin to apply lotion to my body. In the middle of the song I felt a pair of hands cover my face. My reaction was to elbow the person. I turned around and saw Dana on the floor gripping his side.

"Oh Dana I am so sorry" I said helping him up off the floor

"It's cool" he said sitting on the edge of my bed "Now I know not to come behind you unexpectedly"

"It was a reaction" I said biting my lip

"It's cool just finish getting dressed" he said laying back on the bed

The next song that came on was 'Am I Wrong'

"Am I wrong for thinking out the box from where I stay" Dana sang " Am I Wrong for saying that I chose another way"

"I Anit tryna do what everybody else doin that cause everybody's doing with they all do" I sang "If one thing I know I fall but I grow I'm walking down this rode of mine this rode that I call home"

"So am I wrong for thinking that we could be something for real" Dana Sang "oh am I wrong for trying to reach the things that I can't see"

"But that's just how I feel" I sang "that's just how a i feel, that's just how I feel, that's just how I feel for trying to to reach the things that I can't see"

I put my clothes on as Dana sang the first part of the second verse. I turned the song off and put my phone in my back pocket.

"Hey I was singing that" Dana complained

"We have to go Dana" I said walking out of my room with him close behind me

"Who's car are we taking" he asked

"One of mine" I said opening the door to my Audi A8

"Okay well let me pay for the movie then" he asked

"No this is your treat" I said "And also your birthday gift if I don't get to give you one"

I backed out of my driveway and drove to the movies. When we stopped at a red light Dana turned my iPod on.

"What kind of music do you have" he asked and I rolled my eyes

"You know what kind of music I have" I replied "you downloaded half of it"

The light turned green and I made a left turn.

"I know" he said

The song he put on was 'Don't wake me up'. I began to rock to the beat. by the end of the song we had arrived at the movie theater.

"Man that was the jam" Dana said with a huge smile

"I know, now pick a movie" I pulled out my wallet

"Please let me pay for this one thing" he begged

"Fine Dana" I said putting my wallet back into my pocket

He picked the movie 'Expendables'

"Oooo hello sexy" Random dude

"Why did you pick this movie Dana" I asked

"Because we saw the other one so why not see this one" he said as we walked towards the snack counter

"Excuse me" Random dude and I turned around

"May I help you" I asked as Dana looked out of the corner of his eye

"Yes I would like to know if I could have your number" he asked

"I'm sorry but no I'm here on a date with my boyfriend" I said as Dana wrapped his hand around my waist

"Sorry bro I didn't know she was yours" he said

"Yeah she's all mine " Dana said as the dude walked back to his laughing friends "Boyfriend huh "

"Of course you know your my fake boyfriend" I said rolling my eyes

"Well let me stay your fake boyfriend for the rest of the night" Dana smirked

"Don't tease me child" I said playfully hitting his arm

"No I'm serious" he said looking at me " If that dude found out you were lying then your ass is grass"

"I hate when your right" I said

"And I love when your wrong" Dana said

We got our snacks and went to the theater the movie was playing in. That dude was sitting In the full back row. All Of his friends pointed at me when I walked in. I grabbed Dana's hand as we walked up the steps. I walked into the Aisle and sat right in the middle of the row.

"There going to be watching us all night" I said

"Okay let's just keep up our fake relationship" Dana said feeding me popcorn

"Okay" I said doing the same

A love story (Dana Vaughns)Where stories live. Discover now