Double Trouble

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Gabe pov

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. Why? you ask. 1.Because Pilar and Dana are dating, and 2. Alex is coming down here in another month. I got out of bed and did my morning routine. When I finished I walked to Dana and Pilar's room. I knocked on the door and A happy Dana came to the door.

"Who is it" Pilar asked

"It's Gabe" He let me in "What's up man"

"Nothing I smelled food and decided to come over here" I laughed

"Yeah well your about to have the best food of your life then" Dana laughed along with me

"Really" I said

"Hell yeah" Pilar smiled hugging me

"Well what are you cooking" I asked sitting by the island

"Pancakes, Waffles, Eggs, Bacon, Grits, and Biscuits" Pilar said

"Wow sounds amazing" I said rubbing my stomach

"Yeah it is" Dana plopped into the seat next to me

"So Gabe have you heard from Alex" Dana asked

"Yeah did my advice work" Pilar asked smirking

"Yes I have heard from Alex" Pilar squealed "And Yes your advice worked"

"Yeah" She jumped up and down "So is she coming next month"

"Yep" I popped the P

"WOOHOO" Dana yelled

I laughed at their craziness but I guess that's why they're made for each other. Hopefully Alex and I are meant to be as much as they are. I stared at them while they laugh at each others jokes, and then stare deeply into each others eyes. I broke their stare.

"Hey no Deeply staring into each others eyes while I'm in the room" I laughed

"Okay Dalton number 2" Pilar said and continued cooking

Pilar pov

I turned on some music and the first song that came on was Chris Brown Excuse Me Miss. Dana immediately began to sing. He got up and grabbed my hand and we started dancing.

"I know you trying to leave but excuse me miss" Dana sang

"Boy let me go before I before I burn the food" I laughed and he held me tightly

"Just grab her by the hand homie ,Make her understand y'all was made to dance like this, Y'all was made to bounce like this, Just let her know she was made for you, And you want to do everything she want to, man" Dana finished they song with a soft kiss to my cheek

"Aww that was so cute" Gabe said "But this song is to much for this right now"

"What ride" I asked

"Yeah" I said

"Man Somo gives me life" I smiled

"Aww I thought I gave you life" Dana Pouted

"Aww baby it's okay " I said "You give me life too"

I kissed his cheek and was about to continue cooking until he grabbed my face and kissed my lips. A knock on the door interrupted our moment.

"I'll get it" Dana said pulling away from me

"Wow you guys are seriously in love" Gabe said

"I mean we've been best friends since the second grade" I said "We always had love for one another just not as much as this one"

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