"I love you, pokpak."

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"Glad to see you traitors again." Mr. Yang deadpanned.

The two sides are standing in front of each other with a large gap in the middle of them. The night is young, but as the two sides stared at each other, it felt like decades has already passed by.

Cool gushes of wind passed through them making some of the people shiver in the cold touch, but the rest isn't even bothered by the cold. The tension is rising fast and everyone is waiting for the signal to go.

Young-mi stared at him. "Good evening to you too, Mr. Yang."

The man smirked at her and turned his gaze towards the person beside the woman making him chuckle a bit.

"And you even manipulated Big Hit to help you," He said. "How low of you, Agent Lee."

Young-mi just wanted to take her gun that is strapped from her leg and shoot the guy in the head. But, Mr. Bang puts a hand on her shoulder to stop her from whatever she's planning to do to the man.

"She didn't manipulated anyone," Mr. Bang said and pointed at him. "You were the one who manipulated tons of people."

Mr. Yang scoffed at his rival's statement. He puts his hand up to signal all YG agents on his side who were waiting for his go signal.

"YG agents!!" He announced.

"Let's show them how we dominate."

It only took one sentence to give the YG agents the go signal. They immediately followed their leader and ran towards the other side.

Mr. Bang turned to his agents and the rebellion, "We must fight back!! But make sure no one loses their lives tonight!!"

The rest obeyed and ran to meet their enemies as well. He turned to Young-mi and gave her a nod before fighting along side his agents.

Young-mi turned to Jungkook. "Agent Jeon, please promise you'll take care of Lisa."

He nodded in response and ran towards the center of the fight to find a certain person. 

Young-mi didn't notice that she was being surrounded. She has to fight back, even though she had been living with these people ever since she joined YG.

But, before she can take her first swing of punches. The agents already fell on the floor. They aren't dead, just unconscious.

She looks up to the person in front of her, "Hanbin?"

The male gave her a smile before tossing her another gun, "You need to be more careful, Agent Lee."

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