Chapter 11: New Addition to Smackdown Live/New Role

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Alessandra is now living in her former parents house, it is now hers' and she takes a shower, gets dressed, does her make-up, and does her hair, waiting on the tour bus to come pick her up to go to Smackdown Live. The tour bus the superstars were on pulled up in front of her house and beeped for her to come outside. She looked outside and grabbed her purse and her phone with her house keys and went outside, shutting all of the lights, closing all the windows, shuts and locks the front door then ran to get on the tour bus. She gets on, the drive closes the door, and she goes to sit down beside her bestfriend. The driver starts driving to the arena and Triple h texts her saying "hey, you're now a part of Smackdown Live as a wrestler, I know it seems fast to put you in that new role but I need more competition for the ladies and I think you would be a perfect fit." Alessandra texts back saying "oh my gosh, thank you so much Mr. H, I won't let you down and I've been waiting for this moment my whole life." He laughed and replied back "your welcome and I'll see you when you get here." She smiles widely and her friend already knew what happened. Within an hour, the WWE tour bus pulled up in front of the arena for Smackdown Live and the door opened. All of the superstars get off the bus without them knowing that Alessandra was now part of the roster and she with her friend gets off the bus last. The bus closed its door and drove off. Everyone gets inside the arena and gets ready for their segments or whatever they had to do but Alessandra had to get ready for her tag team match against Bayley and Sasha Banks with Nikki Cross as her partner. Skipping a little of the show, Alessandra did her short interview with Renee Young and she sat at the commentary table with Corey Graves and Michael Cole, watching a match to see what she has to prove to herself that Triple H haven't made the wrong choice. She goes to find Nikki Cross and Nikki walks away with Alexa and Alessandra tries to think of what she did to her to not get a hi or are you ready for our match but she shrugged it off as she didn't care. Alessandra's theme comes on and she walks down the gorilla ramp and slides in the ring, thinking of if she wants to be a good girl or a bad one as her partner comes out. Alexa and Nikki stand on the opposite side of the ring, across from Alessandra. Bayley and Sasha come out together with their titles and get in the ring as Alessandra stands outside the ring on the apron as she lets Nikki start off the match. Alexa cheers on Nikki as she fight off with Bayley and Alessandra decided on what she wanted to be and she shows it after awhile to see if Mr. H approves of it. Nikki attackily tags Alessandra in the match as she steps in the ring and Nikki gets out, she got out the ring and slams Nikki into the steel steps, making her be on the side of the bad girls and she says "Bayley and Sasha, I have no beef with y'all go ahead and win the match." Alessandra walks backstage and watches the rest of her 1st tag match with Nikki being defenseless. Alexa runs backstage and attacks Alessandra and throws her repeatedly over and over on the steel gate, shoulder first until the referees come by Alessandra's side and the trainer says that Alessandra has to be on early retirement until her shoulder heals as she is only 21. Triple H tells her to go home and heal as she already told the WWE Universe and her friend as to what happened. She held her shoulder and walked out the arena and headed home.

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