Chapter 6: Not Jason's Property Anymore

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Thursday files by quickly and it is now Friday, the day Alessandra starts her interning with the WWE but she's still stuck at Jason Momoa's house. Alessandra wakes up, goes upstairs into the spare full bathroom and shuts the door. The mystery guy starts to call Jason's house but he waits till Alessandra finishes showering and getting dressed. After ten mins, Aless steps out of the shower, dries off, brushes her teeth, combs and brushes her long wavy black hair, and gets dressed then sits in a window with a thumbs up symbol. The mystery guy sees the symbol and he calls Jason's house by pretending to be a police officer. The phone rings and Jason picks it up saying "hello, this is Mr. Momoa, how may I help you." The mystery guy disguises his voice and says "hello, I'm with the police department and we know that you have a teenager in your house, being held hostage and we need you to either come out with your hands up to be arrested or you can let her go freely and never talk or follow her again." Jason laughs and says "I'll take my chance." The mystery guy points to another cop and they begin shooting at Jason's front door. Jason grabs Alessandra and says "if I let you go, please don't you go snitching to other police that i abducted you and don't snitch on your bad parents." Alessandra says "no promises and exits the house." The mystery guy says "alright she's out everyone." Aless's parents sees Jason on the news and says "she must of snitched." Alessandra says "yes, I'm not Jason's property anymore." Alessandra leaves to go to the arena with the mystery guy that helped her again to get away from Jason.

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