Character Introduction

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Hello, my name is Alessandra Zoe Orosco. I was born on February 21st, 1999 in Virginia Beach, Virginia by my "fake, abusive, and careless" parents, Regan & Devin Orosco. I have no siblings so I can't express my feelings about my careless parents to anyone besides their abusive, mean, and liars (I hate liars). I just turned 21 and they are still abusing me and saying bad things or phrases to me mostly about not having friends, not standing up for myself, or for not having a boyfriend. I would try to escape them in anyway I possibly could but they're always one step ahead of me and I would get into even more trouble. Sometimes I wonder how they were raised by their parents and why I don't have a sibling to talk to. Anyway, you'll see how abusive they are once I start my story but back to myself. I am 5 foot 4, I weigh 199 lbs, I have the most beautiful long black wavy hair, and I have a perfect hourglass figure to match my gorgeous emerald green eyes. I attended Timber Creek High and graduated but now I want to join WWE and live my dream. I love WWE Wrestling and I've never been to a live show in my town when they come down because of my parents saying "oh she loves a man sport and it's not even real" and in my head I think to slap the crap out of both their mouths for saying that. I just want to escape my abusive parents and the home that made me fear for all my 21 years on earth. I'll see y'all in the story bye now.

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