Chapter 7

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(y/n) POV

"Blake!" I said as I clung to Blake's leg, "(y/n) I'm sorry but I can't take you along with us. Think about your poor mother, how would she feel if you went with us and then got hurt!" Blake said, "I'm so sorry. Over these past few days, I've come to think of you as my baby brother. How about this, we go get one last lunch before I take you to go stay with a huntress that Qrow knows. Would you like that?" She asked, "Yeah." I said sadly, "We found a great curry place the other day how about we go there." She said.

Blake POV

"WHAT ON REMNANT IS THIS! YOU CALL THIS SLOP CURRY! I CAN MAKE FAR BETTER AT HOME IN MY TOILET!" a woman shouted as (y/n) and I entered the restaurant, "Just bring me my drink, maybe the booze here will be somewhat decent." She said as she turned around and looked at us.

"(y/n)?" She said, "(Y/N)!" She said as she ran over to (y/n) and hugged him, "I'm so glad you're still alive!" She said as tears began to roll down her face, "I'm sorry but who exactly are you?" I asked, "Oh how rude of me

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"(y/n)?" She said, "(Y/N)!" She said as she ran over to (y/n) and hugged him, "I'm so glad you're still alive!" She said as tears began to roll down her face, "I'm sorry but who exactly are you?" I asked, "Oh how rude of me. I should've introduced myself earlier." She said as she dried her eyes, "I'm (y/n)'s aunt Melody. I'm also the woman who gave birth to him." She said, "But wouldn't that make you his mother and not his aunt?" I said, "Why don't we discuss this over lunch. My wives are excellent cooks." She said, "W...Wives?!" I said, "Yes I go to great lengths to find the finest restaurants whos head chef is a woman and I take it upon myself to steal her and make her my wife. As of present (y/n) currently has ten step-mothers." She said as she held (y/n) close to her chest, "Big." (y/n) said.

"Welcome home my love. Did you have a good day at work today?" A woman asked as she greeted us at the door.

"And you must be my lovely new stepson, my name's Elizabeth, but you can call me mommy

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"And you must be my lovely new stepson, my name's Elizabeth, but you can call me mommy." Elizabeth said, "Where are the others?" Melody asked, "They're all out shopping at the moment, some for clothes, others for food, and Marie heard about (y/n) and she thought he was a baby so she's out buying baby supplies." Elizabeth said, "I'm home. Oh, darling, I didn't know you were coming home early today." a woman said as she walked into the house.

" a woman said as she walked into the house

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"Oh, and we have guests." She said, "How was shopping my dear?" Melody said, "It could've been better, I managed to find this adorable tail and this cute uniform, but then cats started chasing me so I just came back home before I could buy what I wanted." the woman said, "Well Marie I'd like you to meet the boy you were shopping for. This is (y/n)." Elizabeth said, "That's (y/n)?" Marie said, "Yes this is (y/n), up until an hour ago I thought he was dead. Which reminds me, we will be having a little chat about eavesdropping later." Melody said, "Yes darling...BUT FOR NOW, I JUST WANNA NUZZLE THIS LITTLE CUTIE!" Marie said as she scooped (y/n) up and nuzzled him, "From now on I'm gonna be your new step-mommy and I'm gonna spoil you every single day!" Marie said happily, "Marie dear, would you mind preparing us lunch." Melody said, "AW I wanted to cuddle some more! But alright. You're in for a treat kitten, cause I'm the third-best cook in this house." Marie said as she sat him down and went to the kitchen. "Now while we're waiting I'll explain everything." Melody said as she led us to the parlor.

"Now to begin I'll tell you about (y/n)'s father." Melody said, "His name was Jack, he used to be my husband. He was the first and last man I ever loved." She said, "He was always so kind, gentle, and honest to a fault. So when he fell in love with my sister he had to tell me and asked for a divorce. I agreed and we got divorced but remained very close. Several short months later they got married. After four years my sister was ready to have children, but fate's cruel and it wasn't long before she had an accident the resulted in her losing the ability to have children of her own. Despite this, she still wanted to have a baby so Jack came to me and begged me to be my sister's surrogate. At the time I had just started my career as a food critic and on top of that I was still dating my first wife Eva, she's the one who told me to have my sister's child for her. I agreed and nine months later I gave birth to (y/n), I felt nothing but love for him since the first moment I saw him, so giving him away was the hardest thing I had ever done. But it did wonders for my career, it made me cold and harsh to almost everyone even though I saw (y/n) every day. Everything was great up until a few months ago, I had just married my tenth wife when Jack and my sister decided to take (y/n) to Vale to watch the Vytal Tournament. So when Beacon fell and the didn't come home I knew they were dead, but when I saw (y/n) I was so happy. So tell me, Blake were you the one who saved my baby from the horrors at Vale?" She asked, "No I'm sorry, but it wasn't me. My friends and I found him in a corner of Lionheart's office while we were fighting at Haven. He was covered in Lionheart's blood and was shaking in fear." I said, "I've just been looking after him while we looked for his parents or whoever has been looking after him all this time." I said, "Haven? What on Remnant was he doing there?!" Elizabeth said, "We still have no idea. But these past few days (y/n) and I have gotten very close." I said, "Everyone, Lunch is ready." Marie said.

"For my darling, steak marinated in her favorite bourbon and a glass of chardonnay. For Elizabeth, shrimp pasta with soy sauce and a glass of whiskey. For (y/n) a hamburger steak, fresh fries, and a glass of fresh milk. And finally, for the other pretty kitty in the house, I've prepared my personal favorite. A surf and turf dish marinated in both red and white wine for no less than eight hours with a side of white rice and a glass of our finest tea." Marie said, "THIS LOOKS AMAZING!" I said, "Well thank you but I am the head chef of my own five-star restaurant. Most of us were head chefs at four or five-star restaurants before darling stole us away and made us her brides. In fact, I'm one of only two people here who's still a professional chef." Marie said as she sat down next to Melody, "Oh I bet this is nothing compared to what you can make." Melody said, "Actually I'm not allowed in the kitchen anymore. I guess I'm just better at killing monsters." I said, "That's perfectly fine. In fact, after all the top huntsman vanished more than half of us who had already gotten out huntsmen licenses decided to go and help fight the Grimm." Elizabeth said, "Blake I can see that you care deeply for my baby and that he feels the same for you. So if you wish you can stay here, you can be with (y/n) and never want for anything ever again." Melody said, "This is ultimately your decision. So please think about it, but one way or another my baby will be staying with me." She said, "Just out of curiosity why are you so confident about that?" I asked, "Well an old drinking buddy of mine asked me to look after a kid for him." Elizabeth said, "LIZ! WHERE DO YOU KEEP THE GOOD STUFF!" Qrow said as he stumbled into the dining room, "Qrow..." Marie said, "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME IN THE HOUSE AFTER YOU BROKE DARLING'S FAVORITE VASE!" She yelled as she threw Qrow out to the backyard, "NOW GO BACK TO YOUR DOGHOUSE YOU MUT!" She yelled, "BITE ME KITTY!" Qrow yelled.

A/N: Should (y/n) stay with Melody or go with Blake?



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