Little Bitch

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Andrés sped down the road arriving at his house 50 minutes later. He pulled up to the front door and ran to to the passenger side. He gently pulled Raila out of the car and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and began to passionately kiss him. Carrying her to the door he fought with the keys to get the door unlocked. After fighting they made it into the house and he carried her upstairs not breaking their kiss. Kicking his bedroom door opened he carried her up the stairs of his room and gently laid her on his bed. She began to unbutton his shirt pulling it off his arms, she looked down his chest. "Fuck you've got a lot of tattoos. " she said breaking away from the kiss."That's so fucking hot" she began to attack his neck while rolling him onto his back. Straddling him Andrés pulled her jacket off and pulled down the front of her dress.
"God you are beautiful." He began to kiss across her chest. She pulled him back to kiss him when she was startled by his face.
"Andrés your head is swollen."
"I know baby, he's waiting on you."
"No like your face is swollen, we need to go to the hospital." She said getting off of him, Andrés stood up and looked in the mirror
"Oh fuck." He then passed out on the floor.
At the hospital
"Jesus my head is killing me." Andrés said stretching out in the bed. He looked around the room and his eyes landed on Raila
"Thank God you're awake. You had a pretty hard fall. I'll go and get the doctor." She stuck her head out the door and motioned for the doctor. The doctor came into the room taking a look at the chart.
"Mr. Suárez it appears you had a reaction to shell fish. Thankfully your girlfriend called an ambulance to get you here." He began to touch on Andrés face "The swelling has gone down a decent amount and your body is responding greatly to the medicine. I say in about a day or two you should be able to check out."
"Thanks doc." He walked out the room and left Raila and Andrés to themselves. Raila walked over to Andrés and took his hand in hers.
"Thanks for saving me."
"I guess were even then. I can't believe you're allergic to shellfish." She said stroking his face
"I can't either. Growing up I didn't eat a lot of seafood so I never had that problem. I'm sorry that we didn't get to do it." She rubbed his head and kissed his lips. When she pulled away he pulled her back deepening the kiss.
"Andrés we're in a hospital and you need to get your strength back."
"I always have my strength baby and besides just close the blinds and we can finish what we started." He said rubbing her backside.
"I'm gonna go downstairs and get some coffee, do you want anything?" She said pulling away
"You riding my face." Raila's mouth dropped open.
"Yea I'm gonna have to get them to take down your prescription because you're being real fucking reckless." She walked out of the room and into the cafeteria. Walking back upstairs ten minutes later she came back to a sleep Andrés. " Goodnight" she said kissing his head
The next day
Andrés had gotten clearance from the doctor to be released today and he was sitting upright on the bed waiting for Mikey to bring him clothes. Walking in the door ten minutes later with clothes Mikey handed them to Andrés and sat down in the seat.
"Thanks man." Andrés said pulling the shirt over his head
"No problem. Where's your girlfriend?"
"She's not- I don't know where." Just as Andrés finished his sentence Raila came through the door. She had donuts and coffee
"Good morning." She said setting the items on the counter.
"Good morning." Andrés said walking to Raila. He pulled her in for a kiss,Mikey cleared his throat interrupting the two. " I'm sorry Raila this is Mikey, my best friend. You guys met before the accident."Raila walked over to him and extended her hand for a shake.
"Nice to remeet you."
"Same here. Oh you brought donuts and coffee. Do you mind if I take a donut?"
"Yea sure. Any friend of Andrés is a friend of mine and besides it's a dozen take as many as you want." Raila said sitting down.
Mikey stood up and walked over to the donuts grabbing two.
"Thanks." He said taking a bite,walking over to Andrés he whispered "I like Raila 2.0 better. She gives out donuts." Mikey looked over at Raila and smiled. "Well I'm gonna leave you two love birds to it. Hopefully the both of you can stay out of the hospital for a couple of months." He walked out the door. Andrés finished dressing and grabbed the discharge papers from the desk.
"I'm ready whenever you are." He said grabbing the donut box. Raila nodded and grabbed the coffee. Walking out the room Andrés gave the nurse the papers and began walking to the door. Raila led him to her car and put the coffees in the cup holders.
"So do you want me to take you home or do you need to go somewhere else." She asked putting the car in reverse
"I need to go by the pharmacy to pick up some pills the doctor wants me to take. Here's the address. " Typing it into her phone Raila started the navigation. As she was driving Andrés pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. Reaching over Raila pulled it out of his mouth and threw it out the window.
"Smoking is bad for you."
"I know." He pulled out another one and lit it up. Raila repeated her snatch and throw of the cigarette.
"You know the second day we ever spent together,you did the same exact thing." He said
"Well maybe it's a hint you should stop. A hard head makes for a soft ass." She said looking over at him. He laughed and put his hand on Raila's thigh. Pulling into the pharmacy, Andrés got out the car and ran to get his prescription.
"Hi I'm picking up a prescription for Andrés Suárez." He said handing the lady his paper.
Looking out the window he could see Raila in the car dancing to some song. A smile formed across his face. The lady behind the counter began to go through the S bin looking for his prescription. Still looking at Raila he noticed a man approaching her. Steady watching he saw Raila get out of the car and hug the gentleman. He blood began to boil seeing the man wrap his hands around Raila's waist resting his fingertips on the top of her butt and rest his head in her neck. The lady at the desk brought Andrés out his trance when she set the pills on the counter
"It's going to be 10.15 hun." Andrés pulled his wallet out and set a 20 on the table.
"Keep the change." He snatched the pills off the counter and ran outside. Walking behind Raila he pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her possessively. "Who's this." He asked holding onto Raila. The man extended his hand out to Andrés.

 The man extended his hand out to Andrés

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"I'm Jordan. Me and Rai used to work together." Andrés shook his hand and released Raila.
"I'm Andrés, Raila's boyfriend." Raila looked back at him.
"Well it's nice to meet you. Raila are we still on for Wednesday?" He asked directing his attention back to Raila
"Ye-" Andrés interrupted Raila
"We have plans Wednesday. "
"We do?" She asked
"Yea, we made the plans while we were on the plane to Guatemala and because of your accident you can't remember. We were going to take a drive up Dallas and spend a day or two up there."  He said leaning against the car
"I'm sorry accident." Jordan asked
"Raila got hit by a car and she can't remember anything after two weeks ago."  Andrés said pulling her to him
"Oh I'm so sorry Raila. Um maybe we can go tomorrow instead if that works for you?" Jordan asked
"It sure does. How about we meet at the coffee shop at 12?" Raila said pulling away from Andrés
"Sounds like a date." Jordan walked over to Raila and hugged her goodbye.
"It was nice meeting you Andrés." Jordan said before getting into his car and driving off. Andrés stormed over to the passenger side and got into the car.
"Are you mad?" Raila said starting the car back up.  Andrés said nothing. "Aww you're mad." She laughed and drove down the road. Pulling up to his house later, Andrés got out of the car slamming the door. "Andrés!" Raila yelled from the car. He looked back and went through his front door. "Oh imma fix his ass." Raila slammed her door and walked up to the front door. She opened it and called Andrés again. "ANDRÉS!" He kept walking to his bedroom and slammed the door behind him. Raila walked to the door and turned the knob. The door was locked. She began to bang on the door.
"Can you stop banging on my door like a crazy person?" Andrés yelled
"NOPE!" She continued to bang on the door until Andrés opened it and grabbed her. Throwing her on the couch he hovered over her and held her hands above her head.
"I fucking told you to stop banging on my door."
"You shouldn't have walked away from me and given me the silent treatment." Andrés released her and walked over to his bed. He sat on the edge and lighted a cigarette. After taking a puff Raila walked over to Andrés and snatched the cigarette out of his mouth, she put it out on the ashtray beside his bed. "Are you really fucking mad about Jordan?" Andrés pulled out another cigarette, Raila snatched it again.
"Will you stop with that shit. And no I'm not upset about Jordan." He spat back.
"I can't tell. You're acting like a little bitch right now." Andrés laughed and picked Raila up dropping her on the bed.
"I'm gonna show you who's a little bitch." He said pulling off his shirt.

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