Options pt.2

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"Dear God we give you praise and thanks for the ability to wake up to another day and for the nourishment you provide. Please continue to cover us in your mercy and protect us every day and night. Amen" upon releasing everyone's hand Andrés began to devour his food once again.
"So tell me a bit about yourself." Cecilia asked Raila
"Well I was raised through the foster system after losing my mother to cancer and I've never known my father. Going from home to home I eventually ran off and became self sufficient. I put myself through college and business school by working non stop. I graduated top of my class and got a job at a stuffy corporation and worked there up until last week when I was fired for voicing my opinion about office racism. I've only had one person in my life I could ever rely on and she was taken away from me." She confessed shooting daggers at Andrés
"Nobody told you to follow me out the club." Andres said putting a mouthful of food into his mouth.
"No one said you had to come charging into me like a bull in a china shop." Raila spat back. They stared each other down until Cecilia cleared her throat. Andrés threw his towel into his plate and pulled away from the table.
"Thank you Cecilia for dinner. I'm gonna head upstairs and get some work done. " he walked over to Cecilia and kissed her forehead. He walked to Raila and kissed the top of head.
After talking to Cecilia, Raila helped her clear the table and clean the kitchen. Walking upstairs to the room she slipped off the slippers and released her hair out of the bun. She walked past the mirror but doubled back when she saw a tiny dark spots on her neck.
"What the fuck? Looks like I got attacked by a wild fucking animal." She was pulled out from the mirror when Andrés entered the room. She turned around and watched as the smirked formed against his lips. " Did you do this?" He chuckled and walked toward the bed.
"I had to get you to wake up somehow" he then began to undress infront of her.
"1. You could've called my name and 2. Why are you undressing? I'm sleeping in this room by myself." She said crossing her arms
"1. I called your names and shook you but you were sleep. 2. This is my room and I'm sleeping in here." He said getting under the covers in his underwear
"Where am I supposed to sleep then?"
"Either in the bed or on the couch. I honestly don't fucking care. I'm going to bed"he turned to cut out the light. Raila walked to the bed and snatched the covers off of the bed and drug them to the couch. She wrapped the first blanket around the couch and then laid on the couch. She wrapped the other blanket around herself. Dozing off to sleep she was awoken by thunder. She sat up and ran to the bed where Andrés was. She got under the covers and snuggled up to Andrés.
"Why are you laying up on me" Andrés said sleepily
"I'm afraid of thunder" she said facing away from him.
"Scary cat." He replied. Raila pulled away a bit more creating more space between the two. Andrés pulled her back and wrapped his arm around her waist and wrested his head on her shoulder. "I understand what you're going through right now. I used to be the same way. Just clothes your eyes and try to go back to sleep." Raila releases her tense stance and relaxed against Andrés.
"Don't get any ideas killer" she said pulling the blanket on herself.
"Too late" to

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