Chapter 7: The Finally Official Couple

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(A/n) I know most readers just skip through this part but I just wanted to apologize because COVID has ruined my life and online school has started and it's really stressful so posting erratically is now going to be the norm. Aside from that, it's come to my attention that some readers didn't like my smut chapters and to that I say, ok? You can't blame me. Not everyone's first time is magic and perfect. I wanted it to seem more realistic! Besides, there will be more smut opportunities for me to redeem myself. I made a chapter for you guys as a Christmas present so your fucking welcome. Btw every nsfw chapter has a trigger warning so if you're only here for that instead of the plot your signal is now 👁👄👁. The rest of the chapters won't have that.

(1422 words)

*third person pov*

That night, Freddy got home safe and sound though he did get yelled at. There was no way he could explain everything that happened so he used the excuse of "I lost track of time" but Rosa and victor never really found out where he was or what he was doing. The next Monday, Freddy walked- well, wobbled through the halls confidently, and with purpose. Nothing could shake him, cuz he was probably one of the few people who lost their virginity while being a freshman in high school. There was only one problem.. where was his partner in crime? (Y/n) wasn't sitting on the bench she usually does in front of the school. But then again, maybe she's late?Since the day she became friends with Freddy, she's been getting to school before Freddy and waits for him outside so they can walk to class together, so her being a no-show was a little out of the ordinary. But before Freddy, she wouldn't have a reason to wake up early so.. maybe it was just her old habit coming back to haunt her. All these thought ping ponged around Freddy's mind but the really that couldn't be farther from the truth. 

*(Y/n)'s pov*

"Mom! Let me out!" I said as I banged on the door of my room. "Never! Not until you learn to not be a dirty little slut!" My mom yelled back. I crumble to the floor as my mom calls me other horrible names like "whore!" And "disappointment!" I can't take this shit anymore! "Well, that's rich coming from you! You whiskey drenched hooker!" I yell while pounding on the door one last time. I could hear the sound of my birthgiver's sobs from the other side of the door and and another pound. But not a hand knocking kind of pound. It was a lot sharper. A nail goes through the soft wood and almost through my hand if it had gone a few inches to the right. Was she.. nailing my door shut?! That bitch! It's three in the fucking morning and I'm getting trapped in my own room. Fairytale my ass with this bull shit. I moved as far from the door as fast as possible and watch as the sharp ends of the nails poked through the door jam. I look around the room to look for any time of exit but my room didn't have windows that opened. How the hell am I gonna get out? Maybe if I wait, she'll sober up and let me out. I should get some sleep, I have school in the morning and I'm not about to deal with my moms drunken sobbing and taunting. 

*time skip*

I barely got any sleep last night and the alarm clock sounded louder and more annoying than ever this morning. I pound on the door once again to see if my mom was home but from the looks of it, she'd gone out last night and wasn't back yet. I swear, sometimes she acts like a frat boy. I tug on the doorknob in a departe attempt to open the door and eat breakfast before school. I'm absolutely starving and I have to take a piss but I CANT GET OUT OF MY DANM ROOM. Alas, this was usually the norm. I tug on it a few more times but see that my attempts are in vein. I groan as I flop face-first into my bed knowing I probably won't be getting out any time soon. After hours of pushing, pounding, and prodding at the door, I finally loosen the nails enough to open the door. God damnit it's about lunch time.. it would be no use going to school mid-way through the school day. 

*third person pov*

(Y/n) stayed home, she was exhausted from her earlier escapades and of course the relentless tugging at her door. In the time before every class (Y/n) would receive a worried text from Freddie. She was way too tired to answer. The bed looked so comfortable like a giant marshmallow. She dramatically flopped onto it and let out a loud breath. Sometimes the world felt like too much, so all you can do is hope it goes away. Meanwhile at school Freddy paced the halls wondering what was wrong and already making plans in his mind to see her once that school bell rang. He didn't care how long it would take for him to walk with his crutches alone, he'd get to (y/n)'s house if he had to pull a truck behind him. During the rest of the school day, (y/n) took all the time she needed to sleep. At 3:40 Freddie arrived at her house, it took so long for him to get there on his own.

*Freddies POV*

I knock on the door, but instead it pushes open. Why would her door be unlocked and open? In movies this is when.. bad things happen. I rush in there as fast as I can and check every room. It might seem like snooping but I was worried. What if she wasn't there? What if something went wrong? Finally I got to her room and saw her on her bed in her school clothes. Her nose and eyes were red, you could tell she was crying. Her face was relaxed, I bet that was the calmest she'd felt since last night. Her (h/c) hair was messily draped on her face. Even though bad things might have happened in the hours I wasn't here, she still looked so beautiful. I can't held but lye down next to her and cuddle her. My arms wrap around her waist and my chin rests on the back of her shoulder. I feel her shift under me and slightly whisper something she turns around and I get to see her gorgeous (e/c) eyes. She smiles sheepishly and turns around facing me. She moved sluggishly. "Hey, what's wrong? Why weren't you at school today? Do you want to talk about it?" Her eyes began to water and she rested her forehead on my chest. I've never seen her cry, she's so strong at school. Maybe that's why she hid her face. I hear her whimper quietly and quivered when she spoke. "M-my mom found the c-condom in the bathroom and sh-she nailed my door shut and left to wh-wherever she is now.. I couldn't get it open till 12 s-so what's the point of going t-to school.." she cried into my shirt and her tears becan to soak through. I cradled her head as she sobbed. I never knew her life was this complicated. I wish she could just come to live with me but all my siblings are already enough for my parents. She looks up and kisses me softly on my cheeks, nose, and all over my face. "Do you wanna try again? What we did?" She whispered. I turn red and think about what happened that night and how nice it was. The only thing wrong was I feel bad that she didn't get to finish. She's having a bad day, she needs it right now. "Of course do you want to? Are you sure?" I ask. She nods and kisses my lips. She's wearing a different chapstick, the type that has the red cap and yellow tube that's  for healing. My hands rub up and down the side of her body and stop on her rear. I wonder what she'd do if I touch right here..

(A/n) wow! One of my longer chapters. I dedicated this chapter to one of my most loyal readers, @moonlike_1398  thank you so much for reading!

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