Chapter 14: The night of electricity (👁👄👁)

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*3rd person pov*

(Y/n) got a lovely night sleep cuddled next to Freddy in his bed. It was warm and sweet. She'd taken a warm bath after Rosa gave her the tea, Rosa was so worried (y/n) would contract pneumonia or something. They had cleared a space for her in Darla's room but she still hadn't brought her stuff from home not even her clothes. Instead, she changed into a bathrobe, which was all they had on hand at the time. Freddy spooned her and wrapped his arms her waist until she fell asleep, she dreamed of safety in this beautiful home with this lovely family. After all of the heartache, she'd finally reached peace. Billy, on the other hand, tossed and turned in his top bunk. A hug was nice, but he wondered how her body would feel in other ways. He tried to stop, but unfortunately when thinking of someone as beautiful as (y/n) the back of his mind disagreed. I need to stop.. she's right under me! Oh... I want her under me. No! No! Bad Billy, I can't do this right now. Technically, she was in the bed under his but not in the was he thought of. But eventually he fell asleep, this time his brain stayed dormant, no wet dream. They all woke up early the next morning. "(Y/n), sweetheart, it's time to wake up" Freddy whispered, moving her hair away from her face and kissing her neck gently. "NOooOoOoo! Wait, we don't have school today because Debby said I could take the day to move in here.. you too! And maybe Billy if we play our cards right. You two have to figure out the whole... Shazam thing." (Y/n) said groggily. He smiled and pulled (Y/n) closer to him, two people have never fit so perfectly together. "I'll tell my mom, you can call Debby and we'll come right back here and hug till noon, ok?" She nodded softly. "And Im sorry.. about last night. You were tired and confused, I should have understood that. And now, you have family. You're just like the rest of us, you're home now. None of us are going to leave you." That's when (Y/n) realized something. Maybe I don't like Billy because.. well he's like me. His mom abandoned him.  And maybe he acts out because he's frustrated and lonely! Like me. Just in a different way.. we're more alike then we though! And I should talk to him about this later. Both (Y/n) and Freddy got up. The first thing she did was pick up the phone and dial Debby's number. "Good morning Debby! I was maybe wondering if Billy Batson could stay home today? Since I'm moving and he's living in the house I'm moving to. I can't do it by myself and well you've seen Freddy." (Y/n) put on a fake perky voice to try to convince Debby she made the right choice by moving (y/n) in with her boyfriend. "Oh of course! Let me email his teachers, I'll get this sorted out. Thanks for calling by the way." They said their goodbyes and she got comfortable in her bed again. "(Y/n)?" Billy called from the top bunk. "Thanks for getting me out of school. You didn't have to do that, but you did.. why?" (Y/n) grumbled, but deep inside she smiled. She did something nice and it felt good to her. "Well I don't know.. maybe because being a super hero is fucking insane and you guys should try to figure it out before you dumbasses ruin the world or some shit like that." Billy chuckled. "Back to your normal self I see." Both (y/n) and Billy smiled, but neither knew it. Quickly the door opens and Freddy flops on the bed. "I'm back, beautiful!" And suddenly, the smile on Billy's face was wiped away. A nice moment had passed and he has to constantly be reminded that she's dating Freddy. But again, he can't help but wonder if there's even a chance he'd ever be able to touch her now that (y/n) stopped hating him.

*at maybe 1p.m., while Billy, Freddy, and (y/n) are moving boxes into the house*

"There's only three boxes? Debby let you stay home.. for three boxes??" Billy asks, Carrying one up the steps of the house. "Debby didn't know it was just two boxes.. I showed her my house, Freddy knows it's big so maybe she just assume I had lots of stuff I guess." Billy chuckled as he stepped into the house. (Y/n) stayed back with the other two boxes. As he walked up the stairs, he tripped slightly and dropped his box, dull colored clothes with the occasional brightly colored high quality piece of clothing secretly taken from the back of her mother's closet spilled onto the ground. "Shit.." He kneeled down and grabbed everything quickly and threw it back into the box before anyone else noticed but he stopped, his hand almost reaching to a pair of (f/c) panties, lacy and unlike the rest of them. He stared for a moment and quickly slid them into his pocket. A dumb decision, but one he didn't regret. "Hey, jackass, get out of the way! These boxes are heavy!" (Y/n) whimpered, nudging Billy's leg with her boot. His head turned quickly and his eyes were open wide like a deer in headlights. He hoped and prayed that she didn't notice what he was doing. "...what are you staring at?" She squinted down at the boy and kicked him a little harder. "Jesus, ok, I'm going!" Billy stood up and put the box on a spare bed in Darla's room. (Y/n) followed, then sat on the bed. She took her phone out and swiped around Instagram. She look up and noticed Billy was looking down at her. "Hey, quit snooping! I don't go around looking through your stupid little notebook." He just left in silence. (Y/n) had no idea that from where he was standing, he could see down her shirt and see her black bra. It looked silky and the outer edges were lined with white trim. Quickly, he went to his room. Freddy was in the kitchen making himself a snack, so he had some time to himself. He pulled the underwear out of his pocket and unzipped his pants quickly. A breathy moan escaped his mouth and his head tilted back as he wrapped the underwear around his dick and tried to pleasure himself as quickly as possible. "Ah.. (y/n).....(Y/n)" he moaned quietly. (Y/n) walks in and shuts the door behind her. "Listen," Billy's eyes widen. "(Y/n)?!" She glares down and notices her underwear around him.  "Gross..Put your junk away, I need to talk to you. I'll give you a minute." He sat frozen in embarrassment. He shakes his head and realizes what he was doing. Quickly, he put himself away and hid the precum soaked underwear under his mattress, at least until he could throw it in the laundry. Oh my god what is wrong with me... how could I let myself get this far? (Y/n) was right I'm a pervert! Now she's going to hate me! I'm the most disgusting person on the fucking earth- (Y/n) walked right back in. "Now before you apologize, I need to just say that we've seen each other do stuff like this, k? Let's just ignore all of it. It's not that big a deal. Anyway, I hate you but I know why. We were both abandoned by our parents, we're both moving into this house, so we both just need to get along." Billy nodded quietly. "Get along.. right." She chuckles quietly. "Now we're on the same page. Good. Just don't jerk off to me anymore and watch porn like a normal kid. It's kinda weird since were supposed to be siblings now or some shit like that." He starts laughing a bit too. "Yeah but wouldn't that be the same way with you and Freddy?" She turns to leave, but turns back smiling. "No way, Freddy and I started dating before we moved in together so technically no. More of roommates I think" Billy smiles at the ground. No more would he ever think of (y/n) as a sexy firecracker, but the mental image of him fucking his sister completely ruined the appeal and that made him so happy. Never again would he have to wonder about her, because now she was his sister and more importantly, possibly his friend. "Anyway, you and Freddy should go work on the Shazam situation. I'll finish up here." Billy continued smiling as he stood up and walked to the door "We'll be back after dark" (Y/n)walked out with Billy but stopped outside her new room for a moment "yeah well don't do anything stupid" she walked in without another word and called Riley. They talked for hours, and as they talked the boys figured out Billy's new powers, went to a strip club, try to buy a lair, and zapped an atm. Truly, it was a night of bright fun, it was exciting like static. A night of electricity. Soon the door opened and closed and the sound of the boys laughter was heard from all the way downstairs. "Oh! Freddy and Billy just got home so I'll talk to you later, k? And tell Bee I say hi" Riley waved goodbye and hung up. (Y/n) almost tripped because of how quickly she ran down the stairs to see them. "Hey, guys! Hey hey hey hey-" Billy groans "what?" While on the call, (y/n) was looking through her YouTube recommended section to try to release her boredom and stumbled across the video that Freddy and Billy had posted on the 8th. "The video already has 32k likes! The one of Billy getting shot at by those robbers!" Freddy smiles and excitedly hits Billy "now way! That's awesome! And that's not the only great thing" Soon, he takes his hat and coat off, Billy does the same and in them were more than $1,000 in cash on the dinner table. "Holy shit.. how did you guys find this much money?!" The boys look at each other and laugh under their breaths "I guess it doesn't really matter but Jesus.." Freddy smiles and hugs (y/n) tightly. "I already know what I'm going to do with my half" she hums quietly as if to ask what "I'm going to take you to a nice dinner, then shopping and we'll get whatever you want.. anything at all" (Y/n)'s mother never really tried to do anything nice for her and never really cared to so when Freddy offered to get her whatever she wanted and the fact that he got that money for her and wasn't going to buy himself anything with it made tears well up in her eyes. "Thanks, Freddy.. I love you" he hugged her a bit tighter. "I love you too, (y/n). More than you could ever imagine" Billy stands there, fake gagging "alright, alright enough with the mushy stuff" Freddy mumbles and kisses her cheek gently. 

*later, when everyone's getting ready to go to sleep*

"I wish we didn't have to sleep in separate beds.. I miss you" (Y/n) whines. "I know, but then we would have set this whole bed up for you for nothing. And my twin bed is just too small for the two of us" she supposed Freddy is right. "Well good night then, lover boy" Freddy kisses (y/n) sweetly and tucks her in. "Sweet dreams, love" Darla giggles at the nicknames. Freddy smiles at her, tucks her in then goes into his own room.

*Freddy's pov*

Billy was already in bed on his phone. All of the money from today was sitting on my work desk, anyone could take it. "Hey where are we gonna put all this?" I ask. Billy shifts his attention from his phone over to me and shrugs. "Living in an orphanage, you learn to keep your valuables under the mattress." Well that's smart! I take 500 the put it under my mattress then I take the rest and stuff it under his, when I notice a familiar pair of underwear, (f/c) and lacy peaking out from in between the folds of the sheets tucked into the sides. What is it doing under his mattress?.. I take it out, but why is it.. crusty?- oh my god.... no. No, it can't be. Sh-she wouldn't do that to me.. she loves me! B-but she has been nicer to him.. I don't believe it. I won't believe it. This can't be real. I feel dizzy..

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