Chapter 9: First date

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(A/n) this is just some wholesome stuff. Very cute and lighthearted for the first half. Then it's light smut but not anything too crazy.  Also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER BOOK PLEEEEAAASE I PROMISE ITS WORTH IT and also PLEASE go to my reading list and check out the only book there, not the one titled Stuffs, just Dany's reading list. You'll see a reddie fan fic, please read it it's so cute. It's unfinished, but if you read enough and comment enough maybe the writer will update.

(1684 words)

*(Y/n)'s POV*

"Woah.. this place is crazy!" I turn and see Freddy smile proudly.  "I found it one day. No one uses it, so it's just us." I look around and see an entire warehouse, just for Freddy and I. Cement pillars support the ceiling and the ground had patches of gravel that crunched under my boots. "Hello?" I say loudly, an echo pulses through the empty building. "We really do have this place all to ourselves." 

*Freddy's POV*

(Y/n) twirls and laughs and soaks up the silence. I stand and admire the beautiful girl, enchanted by something as small as an empty warehouse space. She's so cute! She's ethereal. The way her laugh bounces off the walls and fills my ears like music. I understand that she's a regular person like any other and that what I'm seeing is just a funhouse mirror image of her but she's my everything. "Hey I have something fun to do!" She looks so happy. Just today, she was crying. I'm only just starting to understand how happy I make her. Maybe.. I'm a funhouse image to her than what I really am. Maybe I'm her everything too. "Oh yeah? And what's that?" She holds my hand. "You know the whole flight or invisibility? Like that. Of course you must be familiar with would you rather, like any other kid." We sit on the floor, criss cross apple sauce, her hand still in mine. "So do you wanna go first?" She smiles and nods. "Ok  then, would you rather.... swim as well as a fish or run like a cheetah?" I can see the focus in her eyes, how hard she's thinking about it. "Run like a cheetah. I feel like I'd rather never go in the water and run from people or predators than be a sloth in the place where it counts but look cool while in water." That actually makes sense. It's a little weird how smart (y/n) is, if only her life wasn't so screwed up the  she'd probably become a CEO or something. 

*third person POV*

A few hours flew by, the two didnt leave each other's sides at all. A whole in the ceiling indicated the time, surprisingly Freddy knows how to tell time by measuring where the sun was in the sky. It was about 7 pm, no one knew exactly what time and no one bothered checking their phones. The night grew dark and cold, as it tends to do in winter. (Y/n) and Freddy relaxed on the ground facing up to the hole in the ceiling. "Too bad light pollution covers up the stars, or this would be a totally romantic moment." (Y/n) scoffed at Freddy's statement. "The only thing we need to make this night more romantic than it was is or will be is us. Just us." Freddy looked at her, wondering how many stars it took to make her gorgeous eyes. A small shiver up (y/n)'s back and the chattering of her teeth showed Freddy it's probably about time they went home. But nothing was said to preserve how sweet the moment was. A bright light spilled through the mostly wall-less room and a loud voice boomed "whos there? I heard laughing, where are you kids? You're not supposed to be in here!" Freddy and (y/n) quickly stood up. The voice inched ever closer, most likely a policeman or security guard. (Y/n) quickly grabbed Freddy's hand and pulled him to the exit as quickly as she could, she almost dragged him the whole way out. The beam of light coming from a flashlight shone on her and Freddy's backs. "Hey! Get back here!" The voice boomed again. Still dragging Freddy, (y/n) ran to a building a few streets away from the warehouse and stopped in an alleyway. They both panted and gasped for air, silence surrounded them. The man had most likely stopped chasing them around the warehouses exit but (y/n) knew it would be better to be safe then sorry. "Can we......please...go home now?" Said Freddy, small wheezes in the deep breaths between his words. "I would love nothing more" they weren't that far from Freddy's house and it was a bit too late to take (y/n) home, so they decided to have an unplanned sleepover on the way there. Chatting and laughing all the way. Mary greeted them at the door. "Welcome back, (y/n)!" Darla pushed past Mary and gave the two a hug. "Hi, Darla!" (Y/n)'s eye gets caught by a glittery pink poster. "What's this? An art project?" Darla's eyes sparkle with excitement as she runs over to the poster. "Our new brother is coming tonight! I've been working on this all day" a smile is plastered on (y/n)'s face. Usually she'd love to drop kick a child but something about Darla was charming and soon Darla became the least hated child that (y/n) has interacted with. "Oh that's today?.." Freddy was counting on the spare bed on top of his so (Y/n) could have a good nights rest for once. He had no idea how many hours she's been awake by herself. But a much more brilliant plan hatched in Freddy's head.

*(y/n)'s pov*

Freddy takes me by the shoulders and leads me upstairs. Strangely, we walk right past his room. "Hey, why don't I run you a nice warm bath? You must be tired and you're shivering, you must be cold." As nice as that sounds, I feel like I'm intruding a bit. His parents have only met me once and now I'm being invited to have a bath in his house? He's so incredibly sweet, but it seems a bit awkward. He is offering though.. "uhh maybe I shouldn't-" he interrupts, "no, don't even worry about it. I don't know when my parents are getting back. And they already know all about you. Darla talks about you a bit... and by a bit, I mean a lot. And you know what? We'll get you in and out. I'll just text Rosa and Victor to tell you you're staying over." Every doubt melted away. "I'll ask Mary if you can borrow some clothes, and you can have dinner with us like a family!" Woah. He's really thought of everything! He opens the bathroom door for me, but walks in behind me. I mean, I'm sure I can turn a faucet and find a nice temperature on my own.. "wanna get up to some trouble?" He smirks at me as he turns the water on. This knucklehead is adorable. He kisses me softly and slowly undresses me. "Freddy, what are you doing?" I say teasingly. "Relax, angel it's just for the bath.. I can't keep my hands off you." Freddy seems innocent, but really he's a horny teenage boy like any other. He slips my skirt down and pulls my shirt off me. He kisses me one last time. "I can't get too excited, my family is here. You wouldn't believe what you do to me." He chuckles and leaves. I step into the warm bath and begin softly washing myself with a loofa. It's only been a second but I miss him. The memory of his hands on my body lingers, I can almost feel him even when he's not in the room... damn, what am I thinking? There are like 5 people in this house and I'm pretty sure him parents just pulled up in the driveway. I just have to chill for one second. A bit of a racket goes on downstairs, I wonder what's going on. Only the more reason to stop being fucking horny. This is all Freddy's fault.. I hear him talking with someone in his room. When I hear his voice, I can only think of moaning and 'relax, angel it's just for the bath..' I can't take it anymore! This is stupid, and I'm probably stupid but fuck it. I'll just be quiet, that's all. 

*third person pov*

(Y/n) moaned quietly, thought of Freddy filled her head, she touched herself softly, knowing his family was right down stairs. Unfortunately she didn't know a new sibling of Freddy's stood only inches from the door about to walk in. She bit her lip trying to silence herself, or to at least reduce the noise, but climax was inching ever closer, just like a certain new boy walking closer. The door suddenly opened and with her head tossed back, back arched, eyes closed, and knees spread apart Billy knew exactly what she was doing. She breathed deeply, Billy standing only a few feet away, witnessing (y/n) at her most delicate. "oH I'm so sorry!" Her eyes shot open and stared at the new boy in absolute shock and panic. Billy stood absolutely petrified 🧍🏼What was Freddy going to think when he hears a guy whose only been here for maybe 20 minutes saw (y/n) naked and touching herself. "Get out!" She yelled. "S-sorry!" He sputtered and slammed the door. 'Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god this is so embarrassing..' (y/n) thought. Billy, meanwhile, stood outside the door like he'd just seen a ghost. Slowly, he turned around and walked right back to Freddy's room. "I-I think I just walked in on one of your sisters taking a bath.." Billy muttered, his face was completely red. "Sisters?.. Did she have nice tits? (H/c) hair and a mean attitude?" Billy look slightly disgusted. Only a creep would describe their sister like that. "Uhh... yeah, I guess that described her.." Freddy grew angry. "Dude that's my girlfriend!"

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