Chapter 11: What the ✨Fawk✨

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*third person pov*

(Y/n) moved on, want went to school with a smile on her face. Of course, she didn't want to worry Freddy, or anyone else for that matter. She sat at the bench where she waits for Freddy every morning and checked her phone for any message. "Hey, (Y/n)!" She hears Freddy call out to her. The rest of the family began walking into the school. "Hey, um. I know you don't really like Billy, but I need to show him around. It wouldn't be so bad if I spent the day with him, right?" A bit disappointed but not upset, (y/n) said. "No, it's all good. Go ahead, I'll be fine on my own.", "thanks, (y/n). I love you I'll see you after school." She smiles and blows him a kiss as he walks away. Freddy wished she and Billy would have gotten along so he could've spent time with the both of them, but he wanted to respect her. And of course, at least in Freddy's mind, Billy wasn't a fan of her either. He walked with the rest of his family, and (y/n) was left alone. She knew under any other circumstances she definitely would not have been as dramatic but everything was too much. (Y/n)  said to herself  that she wouldn't cry, but she just couldn't help it. A small tap on (y/n)s shoulder interrupted her deep thinking. "Hey, are you ok? Are you crying?" Appears, a girl with round thin rimmed glasses, shoulder length fluffy brown hair, a grandma sweater, high waisted cuffed mom jeans and yellow converse. Her build is thin, and she's surprisingly tall. About 5'9. shyly she smiled down at (y/n). "Yeah. Sorry, I'm fine." She said to the girl, wiping her eyes on her sweater's sleeve. "Ah. Well, I'm Riley. And we're gonna be late for class so we better run. Oh! I almost forgot, I love your style." Riley jogged to the school doors and quickly disappeared inside them. (Y/n) checked her phone and quickly noticed she only had 2 minutes to get to class. Saying she ran was an understatement. 

*Freddy's pov*

I wonder why (y/n) isn't here yet. She was just outside, what could be taking her so long? She walked in and soon the school bell rang moments later. Her eyes and nose were red and when she sat down next to me she sniffled quietly. I would have asked if she was ok, but she wouldn't tell me in class. After school maybe she'd consider telling me. So you know what I do? I scootch my desk a couple inches closer to hers. She looks at me confused. But you see, if I'm closer, I can hold her hand. I wish I knew what to do so that I could help her. In that moment, a middle aged woman with blonde hair in a tight bun walks in asking for (y/n). "(Y/l/n), would you come to the counselors office for a moment?" She used a sweet tone even if she looked like a grump. 

*(y/n)'s pov*

It's surprising but I was expecting to be called by the office. I have been absent and late a lot, maybe I'm getting expelled. It wouldn't be the worst thing ever.. but I know everyone in the office and she is definitely not one of the normal office aids. Maybe she's new. I get out of my seat and Freddy looks up at me with puppy eyes. I'm not sure why he looked at me like that but it was sure cute. He kisses my hand gently before I go. "That boy.. is he your boyfriend?" Nosy bitch... "uh yeah. I hope you don't mind me asking, but who are you?" She smiles at me. "I'm Deborah, but you can call me Debby. I'll tell you a bit about myself. When I was a teenager I did dance, and since then I've been working with CPS." That explains the hair. "I-Im sorry, CPS?" She continues to smile at me as we walk through an empty hallway. "Yes, CPS. I hope you don't mind us asking you a few questions." What. The. Fuck. Is. Going. On. We walk into the councilor's empty room. And instead of sitting in the desk chair, she sits on one of the chairs meant for the students. I know she's doing this to make me feel more comfortable but it's definitely not working. "Why don't you tell me about yourself a bit?" I rack my brain a bit trying to think of something that isn't related to my mom. "Well.. I'm 14, my favorite band is (favorite band), and.. well I made a new friend today." Debby smiles at me again. "Well isn't that nice! What about home life?" I sigh. "Cutting right to the chase, huh? If CPS is here, who called? Who said something?" Debby shifted in her chair uncomfortably. I guess kids didn't usually ask questions. "Th-the caller would like to remain anonymous.." a grimace covers my face, she can tell I'm not satisfied with her answer. "And what did the caller say?" She clears her throat. "The caller reported an abandoned child." I never told anyone and I definitely didn't call CPS myself so it had to have been my mom. Maybe she felt guilty or drunk and she called them without knowing how much this would COMPLETELY FUCK UP MY LIFE MORE THAN SHE ALREADY HAS. "She's been missing for 2 days but it's not that bad.. she left me with money for food. I'm sure she'll come back any day now." I had to lie. I had to, or she'd take me away.  Debby kept smiling, but out of pity. "Well then.. does this happen usually?", "yeah but she always comes back." I can feel her smile crack. She knows my mom isn't coming back. "Well.. a child can't be left unattended. Is there anywhere you can stay while you mom is.. out?" My first thought was Freddy but his house is already so crowded and I would hate to burden him. I've only met Riley once, I don't know anything about her. "Actually I can just stay in my house." Debby DOESNT want to tell me that my moms never coming back but if I have nowhere to stay and I can't be in my own house she has to say something. Had I told the truth, I'd be in an orphanage by now. "Can't you stay with your boyfriend?" Under any other circumstances that's the last thing any reasonable adult would tell me but from what she knows he's the only person I know well enough. "I would but he lives with a bunch of siblings, it would be way too crowded and I don't want to bother him or his family. All of his family is actually adopted! And he, Freddy, was adopted too. 8 people already live in the house, 9 is just.. horrible.", "well I'll call his parents. Maybe if they  can stay, then you can pack tomorrow morning with a full excuse for you and your boyfriend so you don't have to go to school! How does that sound?" I think for a moment. I know even if I don't agree, she'd call the, anyway. "Sure. Is that all?" Debby pats my shoulder and hands me a hall pass. "Yeah, that's all. Expect to be hearing from me." She smiles one more time and walks me back to my class. The whole way there was completely silence. I walk back into the classroom and sit at my desk quietly. "What was it? Are you ok? Who was that?" Freddy whispers. Still standing in the doorway, Debby speaks. "Excuse me, is there a Freddy in this class?" He raises his shaky hand and looks to me with panic in his eyes. "Hey, you're not in trouble, trust me. Would you just step outside the classroom with me for a moment?" Says Debby. He grabs his crutches and makes his way out. 

*Debby's pov*

As soon as we walk out, this boy starts rambling. "Hey, does this have i anything to do with (y/n)?Is she ok? She was crying earlier, do you know what that's about? I know you're like a counselor or something and there's confidentiality but I'm really worried about her!" Wow he really cares about (Y/n). And the best thing to do is to be honest. "Freddy, let me give it to you straight, (y/n)'s mom has abandoned her and she needs a place to stay. She has no one else but you, and she can't stay home alone. I'm gone need your parents phone number to ask if she can stay with you guys while (y/n)' mother is away. And I know that house is crowded, but she needs help right now." He sighs "I know.. her moms a drunk and leaves a lot and gives out cruel and unusual punishment, I wouldn't doubt it if she never comes back." Wow this new information is surprising.. But I don't understand why (Y/n) would lie and say everything's normal if everything clearly isn't. When I was younger, I would have killed to live with my boyfriend. "Well you can just write the number down and I'll give your parents a ring." He writes it in a notepad I lend him and send him on his way back to class.

*Freddy's pov*

Oh my god this is horrible! I love (y/n) so much but the one time she came over she got herself into quite the pickle. Not only that, Billy's living with us now. He has been acting cold to me though.. but I guess it's understandable that he has some trust issues. Either way this is really, really bad. When you have two people who both have BIG personalities it's hard, I just wish they'd get along. The rest of the day carries on, I show Billy around, and now finally I can go home.

Freddy Freeman x reader (smut)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon