Chapter One

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xx Chapter One ~ Dare to Dream xx

The flight was over ten hours but fortunately, the airplane landed on time. I went straight for my hotel after I picked up my luggage. The hotel had sent a driver along with a limo, to pick me up at the London airport. The drive wasn't a long one, and I arrived to the hotel fairly quickly.

The hotel was unmistakably fancy with many business dealers striding along quickly with their black suitcases. I marched towards the front desk and got myself the room that my parents ordered on the very top floor.

As I opened the door with a golden sign that read "VIP", my jaw dropped open. It was a enormously spacious, three-storied penthouse with many modern furniture ready-to-go for living.

The first floor contained the kitchen with a large refrigelator already packed with food of all food groups. The living room included a flat-screen television, and the bathroom had a shower.

The second floor contained a bigger bathroom with a bath and a sauna, a bedroom with a king-sized bed, a working room with an iMac, and a walk-in closet.

The third floor led me into a glassed-walled area on the roof of the hotel and it contained a swimming pool and a Jacuzzi.

What was going on’?

My glaze fell on my hotel room card. The letters on the card read "Platinum VIP Penthouse" in gold letters. I immediately pulled out my phone and called my parents. It ringed two times before my mom picked it up.

"Hey honey, how's London?" My mom's cheerful voiced greeted me warmly. I skipped right to the point.

"Why did you guys order the three-floored Platinum VIP room?" I snapped. Most girls would be overjoyed about this, but not me.

Even though I have a fairly good family back round, it didn't mean we were billionaires and we shouldn't be wasting all our money on something as fancy and this. I would do more than fine with a simple hotel room. The trip itself already cost a lot of money.

"Oh, you saw that? Are you happy? Did you see your new credit card as well?" She asked.

New credit card? What credit card? I wondered as I pulled my wallet out of my jacket's pocket. Inside, a glimmering golden MasterCard greeted me instead of my regular plain one that I only used twice. I pulled it out of my wallet pocket with shaking hands.

"A Gold MasterCard? What? You know I don't need this, mom!" I snapped. What was I even getting angry for? My parents only wanted my life in London more convenient.

I sighed; the fact that my parents worried about me meant that they doubt me. I wasn't going to let myself disappoint them.

I heard a gasp at the end of the phone.

"I'm sorry mom, I don't know what got me. It's been a stressful day, and I really do appreciate everything you and dad have done for me," I apologized with my voice toned down. "But you and dad should really save the money for yourselves- I'll do fine without it. You believe in me, right mom?"

"Of course I do, honey!" She replied with love filled in her voice. "Please just accept this as a gift of ours, for me?"

I sighed. "I guess there's no going back anyway. Thank you,"

"No worries, honey. Call me when you need me. I love you, Alexandra,"

"I love you too, mom," I hung up. I went to my room and unpacked my belongings before I googled where the boys' company was located. When I was done, it was already five in the afternoon.

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