Chapter 16

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(A few days later)

I slowly made my way down the stairs after having an afternoon nap, but something felt strange. Very strange. 

Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn and Amelia had all gone out this morning to run errands. But of course, Liam had to stay because I was feeling ill, and, well... you know the rest.

But the house seemed too quiet. Usually if I'm home alone with Liam, I can hear him singing all the time while playing FIFA. But the house was silent.

I checked every room but as I suspected, no one was here. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as no one ever left me here alone, unprotected. I felt uneasy. 

I then decided to check the backyard, maybe he was in the shed using the punching bag. I tried opening the door before realising that it was padlocked shut. I panicked.

Then, I heard someone clear their throat.

I turned around quickly, "Oh thank-" but was quickly cut off by something covering my head.

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