Chapter 03

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Chapter 03

 Alicia's P.O.V

(Ongoing flashback)

I slid off the stool as Kayne held my hand to help me down as I felt light headed. "Thank you," I spoke.

He chuckled, "I'm going to help you home."

"You don't know where I live," I hiccuped as I clung to his arm in order to keep my balance.

He cleared his throat, "You can't get home yourself." He explained. I nodded as we walked out the door.

The fresh air hit me and I suddenly felt a chill. I shuddered and blew into my hands, but soon stopped as my ears perked up at the sound of a car coming.

It pulled up in front of us abruptly. 

The door opened and two large guys dressed in complete black jumped out. Kayne grabbed me and pushed me with force towards the car. I tried to resist but his grip was tight. He shoved me into the car and jumped in, too, before slamming the door shut. Before I could even sit down the vehicle was already driving away. 

I shuffled as far back as I could go, but of course, there was no where to go. It was a car. And I was stuck.

"What the fuck are you doing? Let me go!" I screamed, trying to  kick the guy who was now holding my arms and legs down.

"Happy New Year, Alicia." Kayne smirked before facing away from me. 

I looked to my left to see a cloth coming my way. I moved my head away, shook my whole body and tried my absolute best to escape. But there was no use, before I knew it, the cloth was over my mouth.


I woke up with a throbbing pain in my head, arms and legs. Almost my whole body was aching and I had no idea where I was. I tried to move but unfortunately I was tied to a chair. I rolled my eyes at how cliche this was. 

"This is a joke, right?" I scoffed, looking around the room. It was a bedroom, the furniture was a wooden dark red with a cream carpet and sheets. No photographs filled the walls and certainly no mess. I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration at how stupid I was to trust someone I had just met. I tried using my hands to untie the rope, but it was no use.

Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching the room. The door opened and in came three tall figures. One of which was Kayne, and the others were the two thugs who were in the back of the car.

"Let. Me. Go." I said sternly, gritting my teeth as I struggled in the chair.

Kayne chuckled, "When we're done with you." He smiled smugly.

"What do you want with me?"

He grinned before nodding at the two guys, signalling for them to leave. I shuffled in the chair, still trying to loosen the ropes that were probably making my wrists and ankles bleed right now.

"Stop trying to free yourself, the ropes are too tight and you'll put yourself through even more pain." He rolled his eyes as he sat down on the bed in front of me.

"Tell me what you fucking want." I almost growled.

He nodded, "Alright. We need you." He began. "There are two sides of every story, and in this one, there's my side and the other side, right? In case it has not yet clicked, I'm the leader of a very high up and notorious gang. You don't want to fucking mess with people like us, I'm not trying to big myself up here but.. you know."

"Right, you're a group of guys who have absolutely zero sense of morals and you like to kidnap, take hostage and kill people for fun?" I narrowed my eyes. "Tell me, did I get it right?"

He chuckled, "Close enough, but it's a bit more than that." He cleared his throat before continuing, "The other side, the other gang, mafia, whatever you wish to call them, are people you know. They are the type of people who will trust those they know... and in this case that is you. Your dad, Aden, was their leader."

"Wait, what? My dad? What the fuck do you know about my dad?"

"Let me finish." He sighed. "Your dad used to be the leader, here. Which means that the other side have more of a leeway on us. They have the power, they have every bit of information we need and once possessed. They're dangerous. Where as we are just trying to protect."

I shook my head, "I don't get your point?"

"My point is that, I have something you want, and you can give me something that I want."

"And what is it that I want?"

"Your parents back. Both of them, safe. Like one big happy family."

My heart dropped. I suddenly felt sick.

"My parents are dead, I'll never get them back." I wanted to kill him.

He shook his head, "No, they're not. And I know where they are."

"I don't believe you." I spat.

"Really?" He raised his eyebrows in amusement before getting up to retrieve a file from the desk next to the bed. He opened it up before showing me a photograph. "Look at the date this was taken, 5 days ago." 

"That doesn't prove shit." 

"Fine. How about their funerals? No? Right, they didn't happen. How is it they died? Oh, right, it's now a closed investigation because tracks have been covered up in order to keep the truth hidden."

I was speechless. Do I trust him? I mean, if there really is a possibility that my parents are still out there then I should be doing everything I can to find them.

"And then there's this," He paused before pressing play on something on his phone. It was a voice recording.

"Hi, how's everything going back home?" A voice spoke, sounding exactly like my dad.

"Perfectly fine here. H is doing well and has everything under control. There have been some instances where we've received threats but you are safe and so is your daughter." Another voice spoke.

"Brilliant, thank you so much. Please keep her safe and don't let Kayne's side harm her. I'm trusting you."

"Of course, Aden, enjoy your New Year's Eve celebrations with Elaine. Goodbye."

I wanted to scream, cry, explode. My parents are alive. My parents are fucking alive and I'm stuck here. 

"How is this possible?"

"It was for your protection. It was my idea, for them to leave - that was while Aden was still on our side. But when he betrayed us and left, that's when I knew something serious was going to happen."

I sighed, "Alright, what do I need to do?"

"Help us fight, and we'll bring your parents home safe. Believe me when I say this but they are in danger, the other side isn't all what they seem."

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