Chapter 13

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We had nowhere safe to go. Not even the police could keep us safe, they're just about as scared of Kayne's side as we are. 

I laughed to myself. Yeah, that and they have someone working on the inside, so we'd be in even more shit than we were in the first place.

Everyone had been distant from each other recently. We didn't know what our next steps would be, and we certainly didn't know Kayne's. 

The room was silent as we all sat with the volume of the tv down low. No one bothered to speak to anyone, we didn't know what to say. No one expected this to happen. Even so, Harry thought they were prepared for anything.

Minutes went by, and finally someone did something.

Liam stood. "I'm going to fucking kill him." He gritted his teeth together.

"Yeah? And how are you going to do that all by yourself, you fucking idiot?" Harry growled.

Zayn stood up slowly. "I'm in."

Niall stood, "me too."

I help my hand up, "woah, woah, woah. Why are we suddenly having one of those heroic moments you see in movies?" I joked. Everyone chuckled and agreed. "But whatever, I'm in." I smiled, looking over to Harry. 

"No." He spat. "You, are not doing anything. I swore I would protect you." He glared at me.

I sighed. "You can't protect me from everything. I can protect myself, if you just fucking let me." I glared back. He rolled his eyes in annoyance. 

"Well, if Alicia's in, then so am I." Amelia spoke, Louis agreed.

We all looked at Harry. "Alicia..." he pleaded.

"Harry, you can train me. I already know more than you think." I smirked, remembering the fact that I hadn't told Harry that Kayne had been training me before.

"Oh, really?" He scoffed.

A smirk played on my face, before looking over to Niall.

"Niall, stand up." I said - all to eagerly - as I walked over to a space in the living room.

Niall looked confused, "Why me?"

"You were the first person that popped into my head. Just come over here." I sighed. And so he did.

"Alright then..." I smiled to myself before doing some weird ass move that Kayne showed me - which, obviously, I adapted a new skill I'd learnt to it.

I turned to my audience. "So, you were saying?"

The room fell silent as they all looked at Harry.

"Fine... but you all follow me. And when I say enough is enough, you fucking listen. Alright?" He glared at each and every one of us.

"Deal." We all said in sync.

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