Chapter 14

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As the days went by, I was finally out of the hospital.

When I left, Brandon took me to his apartment. He called up Andrew and Chaunette to come over to help him out. By the time Brandon and I arrived, Andrew and Chaunette were there waiting. Once Brandon pulled up to the curb, Chaunette opened the truck and got the wheelchair out. Andrew gently took me out of the car and held me in his arms. Since I was probably going to lay down when I got inside, there was no point in putting me in a wheel chair.

Brandon then quickly parked the car, got out, and jogged over to us. Andrew gave me to Brandon and took the wheel chair from Chaunette.

Chaunette opened the door for us. Brandon's strides were long and swift. As he arrived to the elevator Andrew poked the buttons, knowing Brandon couldn't because of me.

The elevator climbed the building until it hit Brandon's floor.

"Aye, Andrew," Brandon started, "can you grab my keys? They're in the pocket of my sweatshirt."

Without making a joke, Andrew quickly slipped his hand into Brandon's pocket to retrieve the keys.

The doors opened and Brandon took the lead to his apartment. When we got there, Andrew fumbled around with the keys until Chaunette took them. She slipped the key into the lock, unlocked it, and opened the door. She let Brandon and I in first then Andrew.

Brandon went past the kitchen and living room, and went to his bedroom. He laid me gently towards the center of the bed. He took three of the four pillows and tucked two of them under my broken leg. As he lifted the cast, I cringed slightly to the pain. A worried look came across his face, but I waved him off.

Brandon left the room and returned with more pillows from the living room. He surrounded my body with them. I gave Brandon a smile and I could tell it reassured him.

"I'll stay here with you, okay?" Brandon told me.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I mean, I'm taking time away from you."

Brandon laughed.

"Of course I'm sure. I love you and I want to make sure your safe." He came over a gently kissed my lips.

I couldn't help to smile.

"Hey, within a week or two we can go out if you want. So you don't go insane." Brandon grinned and I laughed.

"Thank you." I said.

Brandon was about to leave the room to check on the two stooges outside when a thought occurred to me.


Brandon turned and quickly walked back to me.

"What's wrong?" His hand gently wrapped around mine.

"Am I staying here?"


"But what about my apartment?"

Brandon thought, turning the room silent.

"Why don't you just move in with me? I mean, you'll be here for a few weeks anyway. Why not make it a full time thing?" He smirked and waited for my reaction.

I smiled again.

"Yeah, why not then?"

His smirk turned into a grin.

After five minutes or so, Brandon returned with a bottle of pain killers and a glass of water.

"Here, pain killers from the doctor. They'll knock you out though."

Brandon came over to my side, helped me sit up, and gave me two of the pain killers. I swallowed them in one gulp of water. Brandon tucked me back it, kissed my lips, and left the room.

Blackness came across me and soon I left for the unconscious world.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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