Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

My eyes slowly  opened.

Brandon was at my right side, holding my hand. But his head was resting on the bed.

I started to re position myself when I stopped at the pain of my ankle.

Oh yeah. I broke it.

I looked around for a clock when I noticed Brandon's phone lying next to him. I grabbed it and clicked it on. 3:25am. I also saw several messages. They were from lots of players of the hawks, his parents, George, Chaunette, and my parents.

I gently shook Brandon to wake him up. 

His head slowly rose up. Brandon's eyes had bags under them and his hair was a mess. But the corners of his lips curved up.

"Hey there, Sarah." He greeted.


"How are you feeling?"


"That's what I thought."

"What's the news for my ankle?"

"Well, you had to go into surgery as soon as you got to the hospital. It was a nasty break."

My eyes widen as he said surgery.

"Yeah. I'm so sorry this happened to you."

"Thanks." I tightened my grip around Brandon's hand. "Also, thanks for staying by me. Before I went out cold, I saw you rush in and grab my hand."

"I was worried about you. I saw it happen so fast. I ran down the stairs of the bleachers and sprinted towards you. I knew you were in a lot of pain. I could feel it."

"How long have I've been out?"

"The whole afternoon and most of the night."

"I can see you're tired."

Brandon chuckled.

"Yeah. I stayed up till 2:30ish just in case you woke up."

"This is another reason that you're an awesome guy."

"Thank you." Brandon then pointed to the phone. "What to answer any messages?"

I clicked on the phone and swiped on a text message from my parents. As I did that, the device asked for a five numbered password.  I sat there and looked to Brandon.

"Let me guess." I typed in 72724 and the device unlocked. I looked to Brandon with a grin and he grinned back. 72724 spells out "SARAH" if those digits were typed on one those flip phones.

I let my parents know that I was okay. They weren't currently in Illinois so they couldn't come and see me. But luckily, I had Brandon. 

I next went to Chaunette. I paused before I typed and said to Brandon, "Can you lie next to me?"

Brandon carefully laid next to me on my right side. I exited out of messaging and went to FaceTime. I brought up Chaunette's name and clicked on it.

The phone ringed three times and then Chaunette's face popped up.

"Sarah! How are you feeling? Brandon told me about what happened." Chaunette was in her pj's and was with Andrew.

"I'm feeling pretty crappy. My ankle is hurting but I got Brandon here with me, so I'm good."

"Did you hear what happened to the girl who broke your ankle?" Andrew asked.

"No. What?"

"She got red carded and won't be able to play in for the rest of the season. I believe she also got a fine." Andrew explained.

I felt a smile grow on my face and everyone laughed.

The conversation carried on for another twenty minutes until Chaunette's phone died.

I exited out of FaceTime and went back to messaging.

I replied to Leadpipe's, Kaner's, and a few other guy's messages. By the last reply, I ended up dropping Brandon's phone on my face. Brandon laughed and took the phone to finish my words.

I wrapped my arms around Brandon as I fell back to sleep. As I did, the only thing I focused on was Brandon. The beeping of the machines nor the pain in my ankle could interfere.

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