Chapter Two

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Chapter 2
I tried gripping onto the boards as Chaunette pulled me onto the ice. I looked over to Brandon as he got up and apologized to everyone he knocked over. He then looked over to where I was before I got on the ice. I saw his head look around. I blushed thinking he was looking for me. Brandon finally spotted me and quickly skated over to me. "I'll take over from here Chaunette." Brandon said, gently pushing Chaunette out of the way.
"Okay, later Sarah!" She winked and smiled at me. I then looked up at Brandon. His eyes were gorgeous. I felt my cheeks go warm.
"Uh, hi. Sarah, right?" Brandon said. He smiled.
"Yep! Brandon, right?" I said. We both laughed.
"Andrew informed me that you don't know how to skate. I'm going to change that."
"Why, thank you. I did grow up on a soccer field, though."
"Oh nice! I play soccer in the offseason. What position do you play?"
"Full time goal keeper. I actually play for Northwester's varsity team."
"Oh wow! What year are you?"
"Senior. I'm suppose to be a Jr. but I stuffed my sophomore year so I'd graduate a year early."
"Why? If I can ask."
"No problem. I hope to play professional soccer and be a trainer during the offseason. If that all fails, I hope to be a photographer for Chicago sports."
"That'd be pretty cool! I'd know either a world famous soccer player or a world famous sports photographer!" I laughed. "Here's a bet: if I had ten shots on you, I'd get all ten!"
"More like zero!" Shaw came skating around.
"Move along!" He told us, still skating. And right as he passed us he yelled out, "Lovebirds!" I looked at Brandon to see his cheeks turn a bright red. I chuckled to myself.
"Shall we start the skating lesson, Mr. Saad?" I tried to loosen up the atmosphere.
"Um...yeah." I could tell he was extremely embarrassed. He then went on to teach me the basics of skating. He was quiet unless he was instructing. Then out of the blue he asked, "Do you like me?" Brandon immediately regretted saying that.
"Yeah..." He perked up.
"Sorry, could you repeat that?" I then kissed him on the cheek.
"I like you." Brandon started to shake a little bit. So did I.
"I like you, too." Brandon smiled and his eyes gleamed.
"Lovebirds!" Shaw passed skating on one foot, as if he was doing a celly. Brandon and I just laughed to ourselves. After my skating lesson, Brandon introduced me to his brother, George; a hockey player whom was two years older. Brandon explained that his parents were at a hotel and that I'd meet them tomorrow. Soon the night came to an end.
Saad and I were the last ones on the ice. He grabbed my hands and asked, "Do you want to grab a coffee? Like now?" I grabbed his wrist to check the time.
"Brandon, it's 11:00 at night. The last thing I need is to be jumping off the walls." I chuckled. Though, I could see some disappointment in his eyes. "How about tomorrow before the game starts, if you have time, we hang out? And after? If your up to it."
Brandon smiled. Right as I was about to walk away, he grabbed my hand, pulled me in, and kissed me right on the lips.
"I need your number." He grinned.

My Number TwentyWhere stories live. Discover now