Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine
My eyes closed as Brandon's arms wrapped around me tighter.
I listened to his heart beat and every breath. I pushed my hands under his body, right in the middle of his back, to hug him. My hands remained where they were.
As I went deeper into my sleep, I became oblivious to everything.
I heard nothing. Felt nothing.
Almost nothing.
I came a little bit out of my slumber and I didn't know how long I've been resting. It still looked dark in the apartment, so I guessed early morning still.
I remained motionless so I wouldn't awaken Brandon. Though, he was some what awake.
He ran him fingers through my hair and I could tell he was looking up at the ceiling.
He didn't notice I was awake and I didn't tell him. Brandon started to mumble. With the silence in the room, I was able to make out what he was saying.
"I'm the luckiest guy in the world, you know that?" He said, like he was in a regular conversation with me. "It's crazy how much someone can fall in love within twenty four hours." I smiled. "I don't want to ruin anything, you know? How the guy says 'I love you' and them everything just goes wrong? I don't get it but I don't want to risk anything."
Brandon's grip tightened around me as he went back into his sleep.
As I started to go back to sleep myself, it hit me.
Brandon loves me.

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